Deb over at Mountain Musings is hosting a Recipe Box: Show & Tell!! What fun!! She asked us to take a picture of whatever we use to store our recipes in. Well, this is mine. HAHA!!
I received this simple wooden box at one of my wedding showers almost 8 years ago. Underneath, you can see a manila folder. It’s ugly and unorganized, but chock full of really good recipes!! I’m not sure whether “the box” or “the folder” has more good recipes, but I love them both!!
A few years ago, a sweet lady at church gave me a beautiful binder so that I could organize my recipes. As you can tell, however, I have not done that. If and when I do that, I'll be sure and post about it here! But, that's a big "if"!!
Here’s where I keep all my cookbooks. I LOVE cookbooks and enjoy sitting down to read them just like one would read a regular book.
I see that you have some of the same cookbooks that I have! I love to just sit and read cookbooks too.:-)
Oh, Mary Ann!!! I could spend all my money on cookbooks!! It's kind of ridiculous. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one!!
Mrs. U
Thanks, Mrs. U for joining the Show & Tell. I enjoyed seeing where you keep your recipes and cookbooks! I'll post the link to everyone's boxes next Wed.
I recognized at least one coobook! In fact, I made piecrust out of it this morning! :) I *love* to read cookbooks!
OHH, I love Cookbboks!!! Mrs. U,I packed all my cookbooks, so maybe I can share a picture later, when I am settled in my new home:) I will mention, one of my favorite cookbooks is the Aunt Bee cookbook--it is so fun to read, and the recipes are so perfect for Kevin--he loves down home southern meals:)
P.S. I even made a post on my blog the other day, about packing them..LOL
Well I am also a member of the Cookbook Lovers Committee......I HAVE GOT to get the wire I need so that I can hook my digital up to this thing and share some pics, too. WAAH! Too fun~
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