Our family will be off on vacation this week. I hope everyone has a wonderful week with their families!!
Be sure and take some extra time in the Word this week!!!
Making a House a Home involves all aspects of homemaking- cooking, cleaning, gardening, learning to be a godly wife and mother, and, above all, following the Lord Jesus Christ in all things.
Throughout Scripture, God is referred to as our spiritual refuge. We are told to run to him for safety, security, rest, replenishment, comfort, and never-ending love. In the same way, I believe God created our homes to be our physical refuge. He knew we would need a corner of the world to call our own. We go to our homes in hopes of finding physically many of the same qualities God offers us spiritually- a restful place, safe from the storms and stresses of the world, filled with love, comfort, and absolute acceptance. A warm bed, an encouraging word, a tasty meal, a crackling fire all give comfort, security, and love. Home is to be the refuge we run to after doing battle in the world. It should be where we are reminded of who we are, to whom we belong, and what really matters in life. Home needs to be a safe place where we house not only our bodies, but our hearts and our souls.