Monday, August 13, 2007

Etsy question...

I know there are several of y'all that have Etsy shops. Do you like using Etsy? What are the good/bad points about it? Have you actually sold anything?

I'm kust asking for future reference. I don't have anything to sell, yet, but I have a few ideas rolling around in my head. :)


Anonymous said...


I would be curious to find out about this too. I've seen several shops with interesting things:)


Tammy said...

I have a shop. =)

The thing I like most about Etsy is their fees, because they are so reasonable compared to e-bay.

Take a look at this page, this is what they say about fees:

"Sign up - free, your own shop - free, listing an item - 20 cents, selling - 3.5% fee. That's it. All listings include up to 5 images. Listings stay up for 4 months."

You get an e-mail when something is purchased.

There are guidelines on what you can and cannot sell. It has to be crafted or craft related.

The downside to Etsy? most people outside of crafters do not know about it. So it is crafters buying from crafters. Unless, of course, you find a way outside of Etsy to advertise.

I really like Etsy, and plan on adding quite a few more items to my shop within the next few weeks! =)

Tracy said...

My daughter and I are thinking about opening an ETSY soon too, so I'm anxious to hear what your readers say!

Monica Wilkinson said...

I have a shop too (with nothing in it right now)! I love it for how inexpensive their listing fees and charges are. I did not do as well with it as I had hoped - but have sold several things. I have found that I have done just as well showcasing things on my blog from time to time and those get listed for free! :)

If you are looking for a broader horizon to sell your crafts on - I think etsy is a wonderful opportunity that is affordable!

Hope that helps!

Cherish the Home said...

Hi Mrs. U,

I've passed along the 'Nice Matters' blog award to you. Come to my blog for details.


Desia said...

Thanks for asking about Etsy, I’ve seen it mentioned and wondered what it was about. I’ll check your blog to see if there is more info.


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