The ever kind Mrs. B has chosen me as one of her "Nice Matters Award" winners!! I am SOOO honored!! Little ole me!!!
This is what I found out about the award...
"This award will be given to those that are just nice people , good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!"
Thank you Mrs. B!!!
Now... for my winners of "Nice Matters Award"...
-Melissa at Desiring to be a Godly Woman. She's nice in the blog world, yes, but I happen to be blessed to know her in real life!! She's even MORE nice in person!! My dear sister-in-Christ!!!
-Mrs. Pear!! She's a super sweet lady! She is so kind in her emails and in her blog posts. I appreciate all that she shares and she always shares it so graciously.
-Mrs. C at Riverbend Ramblings. Always upbeat and cheerful, Mrs. C DEFINITELY deserves this award!! I always know that I will have a smile on my face and encouragement in the Lord in my heart when I visit her blog.
-Wendi at My Heart is Always Home. Goodness, I feel like Wendi and I are practically twins!!! We both love homemaking and both have recently added a Chinese daughter to our families. What a blessing!! I can see her smiling when I read her posts- now THAT'S not something I run across every day in blogland!!
Please go visit these VERY "nice" ladies blogs!! You will be blessed, too!
You definitely deserved it Mrs. U!
And I'm so GLAD that you passed it along to Mrs. C. Late last night I was thinking that I wished I had passed it along to her because she is such a lovely and nice lady. (o:
Congratulations Mrs. U!! I enjoy reading your blog! Now, I need to go and check out the other blogs you listed!
Mrs. U, you are too kind! I was blushing with all the sweet things you had to say. Thank you.
Mrs. U,
You are such a sweetie! I still would like for us to get together one of these days, you know, since we both have so much free time on our hands and nothing to do. :0) ha,ha!
Mrs. B,
Awww, don't I feel special! :)
Mrs. C
Yay--Congratualtions!!! :)
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