So, what's a girl to do? The good ol' broom was NO HELP at all!! It seemed to just scatter the dirt rather than helping direct it into a pile to be disposed of!!! No fun!!!
After much looking around, I discovered this...

It's called the Vileda (or O-Cedar) Hardwood Pro™ Microfiber Dust Mop and it's wonderful!! Here's the details from their website:
-Ideal for hardwood floors and other flooring surfaces
-Soft microfiber attracts and holds dust, dirt, and hair
-Rotating head and adjustable handle for hard to reach areas
-Machine washable mop head
It's the BEST!! It cuts my sweeping time in half, too! Can't beat that! And I just throw in the mop head in the wash each week but I do NOT use fabric softener otherwise it will repel the dirt instead of attracting it. Can you believe that I actually LIKE sweeping now? WOW!!
Oh and I'm not the only one around here that likes to use this thing... :)

The handle on this is adjustable, so I can use it at the regular length or I can shorten it for little Miss Elizabeth to use. She LOVES it!!!!
I have a similar dustmop that is great for my laminate 'hardwood' and vinyl floors. I love it and wonder what I did before I got it. ~Adrienne~
How cool is that???
Wow, that looks perfect for me ~ especially since it makes a dreaded chore that much easier;o)
You have a very cute little helper.
Have a blessed weekend.
I had no idea these were available for would be great for my kitchen! Miss Elizabeth is such a sweet little helper!
I wish I had some hardwood floors to clean.
Welcome home! Glad to hear your time away was enjoyable. Thanks for the tip about the duster. I've been tossing around the idea of the Swiffer, but prefer your suggestion simply because the cloth is reusable! Cute photos of Elizabeth, too. :)
Mrs. U,
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.
I am glad to have another mop suggestion--I actually asked for advice on selecting a new mop on my blog last month and received several ideas, but will add this one to the list.
Hi I'm loving your site, thanks!
I used to have the Vileda mop and liked it, but then I bought an Enjo floorcleaner and the quality doesn't even compare. I gave away the vileda. If you ever get the chance to go to an Enjo demonstration, take it! (I'm not affiliated with enjo but love their products)
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