I LOVE having a clean home. But in order to HAVE a clean home, I must first clean it!! Haha!! I know, that's a no-brainer, but for someone who used to despise cleaning, it wasn't a fun process to learn.
When I was growing up, I have to admit, I was a horrible help to my mother when it came to cleaning. I don't know how she survived my complaining all the time. I would do jobs half-way just to get through them. I am sure that I frustrated her beyond belief!! She must have prayed for me A LOT because I've come a looooong way from dreading cleaning to actually looking forward to it!!!
The main thing that has helped me come to enjoy cleaning is a schedule!!!! I have a weekly schedule that keeps me focused and there are only a few things that I do each day so that I'm not completely overwhelmed. When Mr. U and I first married, I used to do all my cleaning on Monday so that I would have the rest of the week free. Well, I eventually started loathing Mondays because I was doing SO much cleaning in one day. So for me, that didn't work, but having a schedule does!!
Here's my basic schedule. I say basic because it is subject to change at any time. If I find out someone is stopping by, I may change my vacuuming days around or even have to launder clothes the next day... you get the picture.
Daily I do things like wash the kitchen counters, sweep the kitchen and eating area, make the kitchen sink shine (ode to FlyLady), and declutter any areas that seem to be building a pile of clutter!!!
The whole family has jobs, too. Joshua makes sure that he keeps the hall bathroom and his bedroom clean as well as dusting the living room and taking out the trash (daily). Elizabeth... well... Elizabeth is learning to pick up toys and put them back where they belong. Even Mr. U will lend a hand. He puts away the dishes in the dish drainer every night. (When we first married, Mr. U asked me what job he could do to help me out. I didn't know what so he suggested putting away the clean dishes because he knew that it wasn't my favorite job! How SWEET of that man!!!).
What about you? Do you have a basic weekly cleaning schedule? If so, please share it! I would love to have a post one day linking to all of your cleaning schedules!! What fun!
When I was growing up, I have to admit, I was a horrible help to my mother when it came to cleaning. I don't know how she survived my complaining all the time. I would do jobs half-way just to get through them. I am sure that I frustrated her beyond belief!! She must have prayed for me A LOT because I've come a looooong way from dreading cleaning to actually looking forward to it!!!
The main thing that has helped me come to enjoy cleaning is a schedule!!!! I have a weekly schedule that keeps me focused and there are only a few things that I do each day so that I'm not completely overwhelmed. When Mr. U and I first married, I used to do all my cleaning on Monday so that I would have the rest of the week free. Well, I eventually started loathing Mondays because I was doing SO much cleaning in one day. So for me, that didn't work, but having a schedule does!!
Here's my basic schedule. I say basic because it is subject to change at any time. If I find out someone is stopping by, I may change my vacuuming days around or even have to launder clothes the next day... you get the picture.
Sunday- the Lord's Day
Monday- wash Mr. U's and my clothes
Tuesday- vacuum entire house, clean master bathroom, wash Elizabeth's clothes, bedding and towels
Wednesday- mop kitchen, wash master bedroom sheets and towels, wash Joshua's sheets and towels, scrub shower walls, scrub bathtub
Thursday- wash Mr. U's and my clothes
Friday- vacuum entire house, clean master bathroom, dust master bedroom, wash bathmats in both bathrooms, wash all trashcans
Saturday- enjoy family time :)
Daily I do things like wash the kitchen counters, sweep the kitchen and eating area, make the kitchen sink shine (ode to FlyLady), and declutter any areas that seem to be building a pile of clutter!!!
The whole family has jobs, too. Joshua makes sure that he keeps the hall bathroom and his bedroom clean as well as dusting the living room and taking out the trash (daily). Elizabeth... well... Elizabeth is learning to pick up toys and put them back where they belong. Even Mr. U will lend a hand. He puts away the dishes in the dish drainer every night. (When we first married, Mr. U asked me what job he could do to help me out. I didn't know what so he suggested putting away the clean dishes because he knew that it wasn't my favorite job! How SWEET of that man!!!).
What about you? Do you have a basic weekly cleaning schedule? If so, please share it! I would love to have a post one day linking to all of your cleaning schedules!! What fun!
Mrs. U, oh how I wish I had a cleaning schedule, but unfortunately I don't--I clean according to the weather. I do much yard work around our property in the fall and spring, and I'm outside a lot unless it is raining, snowing, or high humidity like today, in which case I'm inside doing laundry, vacuuming, tidying up, going through paperwork, etc. The one thing that I try to do is make sure the house is as cleaned up as possible before the weekend.
What a great site you have! This is my first time here and I am already convicted about being a better wife/keeper of the house for my husband.
Thanks for sharing!
Getting a schedule is something I need to work on. The only thing that is certain is that Monday is laundry day and then I do it again either Thursday or Friday. That way we are good through the weekend.
I need to get a schedule together! Thanks for the inspiration and direction!
Hi friend. I too have a cleaning schedule- very similar to yours although I don't wash my rugs weekly! I have the schedule posted on my fridge as a reminder. I try to incorporate my little guys in some of the cleaning i.e. bathrooms seem to be where they like to help the most but I do most of my cleaning while they are napping/resting. The cleaning schedule is extrememly helpful but always good to be flexible as well- like you mentioned.
Love- Gretchen
Thanks for the cookie recipes!
I just finished my new housekeeping schedule. Of course it will change once BSF starts Sept 11, but it will just be to rearrange the days, not to remake it.
I have Downstairs day, Upstairs Day, Kitchen Day, Errand Day, and Project Day. Once everything starts in September Errand Day will be combined with BSF day because we will have the car, and Project Day will be combined with play group day (chance to meet other moms).
I had not thought of posting the schedule though, I will have to think about that!
I appreciate your blog and the lovely atmosphere.
I am amazed, however, that you vac your entire house 2x a week.
I have two littles (soon to be three) and am lucky if I get it done 1x.
My schedule is pretty simple and influx with a new homeschool year starting.
Monday - Upstairs (2 baths and 3 bedrooms)clean baths, change sheets, vac/dust, dh and my laundry
Tuesday - Main Floor (LR, DNG, KIT, 1/2 bath) mop, vac/dust, declutter and clean bath, childrens laundry
Wednesday - OFF DAY (Catch-up)
Iron, Project Day (sewing, scrapbooking)
Thursday - Downstairs (Playroom, guest/sewing room and bath) vac, clean bath, Errands
Friday - Errands and catch-up laundry
I'm also teaching the children to do daily chores. They currently help me unload the dishwasher, sweep the floors, and get the laundry going.
I write all this but am in the midst of "all-day-sickness" so we haven't been doing much cleaning around here. It has been all I can do to manage daily chores, laundry and meals/menus. I'm hoping to get back to our routine in abut 6 wks when the first trimester is over.
In Christ,
One question, when is the dusting done? That is the job that I despise the most and since I believe it needs to be done before vacuuming, it seems that nothing is ever done. Thank you for your post. I need to be encouraged to keep up with it. It's very hard with 3 children 5 and under though. :-(
You cleaning schedule looks great, Mrs. U!!
Here is mine:
Monday-Bedrooms (Dusting, vacuuming, etc. The girls and Benjamin clean most of their rooms.)
Tuesday-Schoolroom and Office
Friday-Bathrooms. I also give the whole house a quick vacuum and make sure everything is tidy for the weekend.
I do at least a load of laundry every weekday. Front porch and back patio are cleaned as needed.
What helps the most are our daily tidy-ups. We have a small one before lunch, before daddy gets home and before bed.
I should be cleaning now but instead am perusing your site. ;)
Sunday~ Sabbath
Monday~ clean all bathrooms entirely, laundry
Tuesday~ clean all floors (mop and vacuum)
Wednesday~ dust furniture, pictures on walls, clean mirrors
Thursday~ clean kitchen appliances
Friday~ Special project day (blinds, baseboards, windows, organize closet, etc.)
Saturday~ clean vehicles and garden, tidy garage
Every day ('ceptin Sundays)
-Garden (do something in the garden)
-make the bed
-dust (dust something)
--rid (get rid of something)
dishes (get all the dishes done)
-laundry (if any)
-iron (if any)
-mend (or work on handwork if there's no mending to do)
-file (file something in my in box, or clean out a file
Other less daily stuff is watering the lawns/flower beds, kids' baths, grocery list, grocery shop, clean out the fridge, vacuum.
This sounds great. I'm way too laid back for a schedule. I just clean whenever the mood strikes. But I wish I could be this organized. I, too, have had to give up on one main cleaning day. Maybe I'll try your schedule this fall.
quilt2day, please don't be amazed that I vacuum the "entire" house two times a week. If you saw how small my house was, you would understand how easy it is! I can vacuum the whole house in about 40 minutes (used to take 20 minutes, but now Elizabeth "helps" me and it takes longer!! LOL!!!).
ryan.elliot, I am blessed to have our son who does the dusting in the living room (the main room in our home). I don't like dusting, either. I've decided, though, that it is WAY better than washing windows! :)
dcrmom, please don't feel like you have to follow any one person's schedule. Make your own, if you like having a schedule. For me, it helps me keep on top of things before it all piles up on top of me!! :)
Mrs. U
Thank you, everyone, who shared your schedules! I LOVE learning how ladies go about caring for their homes. What a blessing it is to be able to share and learn from each other like this!
Mrs. U
I, too, used to loathe housecleaning. The only problem is that I still loathe housecleaning. I'm off each Monday so that is definitely laundry day with hopes of cleaning other areas, as well. Having a schedule sounds like a great idea. Thanks for the link to the Fly Lady!
It sounds like you have a good system in place! I'm still trying to find what works best for me, since I quit my job.
Hi Mrs.U!
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I really appreciate it!
I have been reading your blog this morning and enjoying it.
I have a cleaning schedule too! But it would take too much space to post it here. Maybe I can figure out a way to post it on my blog?
I am adding you to my favorite blog list!
Have a blessed day!
what a wonderful blog, full of ideas and love for your family. glad we found each other!
Great list - you motivated me to do a schedule myself...so now I just have to see if I can stick to it!
Mrs. U, Thanks for the comment. When I was reading about your weekly schedule I thought "that sounds sorta like FlyLady"... and lo and behold you DO know about FlyLady! :)
I'll post my pie recipe today.
What a beautiful blog you have. How wonderful of you to make your home and bedroom a safe haven, I admire you very much.
ALRIGHT!!! I just finished my schedule! YaHoo...
I'll have to post it in a few days. Hopefully, now I will stay on track. LOL
I try to stay on schedule with my cleaning als. That way you dont get behind. great blog.
Hi Mrs. U--I have a schedule, but it changes all the time, it is really going to change when school starts and it is just me and Little Kevin during the day. Years ago I used to be like you and do all my cleaning on Monday----but that sure has changed now with kids--- :) I think that would be so fun to see everyones cleaning schedules:)
Hi Mrs. U,
Enjoyed reading about your cleaning schedule. Unfortunately I do not have a set scedule. Now that I work part time (4 hours 4 mornings a week) things have changed around my home as far as my cleaning schedule.
Thank you for visiting me at my "home" and for you very nice comment. I really appreciate it!
I LOVE Fly Lady! She helped me tremendously, and now I have no stress about cleaning at all. For anyone who has never heard of her. Just google "Fly Lady" and you will find her site. Just go from there...
Mrs. U,
I really love your blog. It has been really inspiring to me and so much fun! Thank you very much! I also have a cleaning schedule that I do every week which really helps me be faithful to what the Lord has and to be a hard worker at home.
Thank you!
I'm made so many of them, but have never carried them out. It has been laid on my heart recently that I need to spend more time with my family. My goal now is to create a schedule that will allow some time with the kiddos each night, and most of the weekend for family, while having a comfy clean home. Any suggestions are greatly welcomed!
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