For my Show and Tell Friday, I would like to share with y'all a few of the flowers that the Lord has grown in our garden this year. I haven't spent nearly as much time with the flowers this year as I have in the past. I still haven't quite figured out how to watch Elizabeth AND pull weeds at the same time. Next year, though, watch out!!! I'll be super ready to really play in the dirt!!!
This is one of the blooms on my hibiscus plant. They have HUGE blooms that are bigger than my hand is long!!! Such a lovely deep, rich, red color, too.

This is one of the oriental lillies that are blooming currently. I had some pink ones bloom a few weeks ago and now the whites one are all blooming. Interesting how God has them timed to open like this. :)

These are some of my black-eyed Susans. I think these are such happy flowers. They grow very easily around our home- who doesn't love easy to grow flowers!!!!

Thank you for visiting with me and seeing just a few of the flowers that God has grown in our yard this year!!
I love seeing pictures of flowers. :)
Ahh the splendor! Yes there is a God. Love your flowers!
My lilies are blooming right now and oh the lovely fragrance that they send out makes me think of "He's the lilly of the valley, the bright and morning star..."
Lovely, beautiful flowers.
The master gardener grows beautiful flowers, doesn't he? Thanks for sharing.......thank you for visiting with me....Betty
I like the title of your blog and the flowers are pretty.
Beautiful! I also live in the South, but the heat here is really taking it's toll on most flowers in our yard. Thanks for sharing these with us!
Your flowers are so pretty!!!
Beautiful! I don't have a green thumb at all.
Beautiful flowers. If I keep seeing all these wonderful gardens on blogs like yours I'm going to have to give it a try myself--Afraid my thumb is not very green!
thank you for cisiting my blog and for your sweet comment.
Isn't God great? I love to go in my garden because I think of Him all the while!
They are all beauties!
Your flowers are so lovely! I cannot wait until we own our own home and can plant flowers like that.
Thank you for sharing pictures of God's creation!
WOW, What a beautiful hibiscus.
Love them.Thank you for sharing these with all of us. God is just amazing, isn't HE.
Beautful!!! I love the hibiscus!
Love the flowers! They're Rainbows in the Garden. I am always amazed at the beauty of every different flower. God is good.
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! I know what you mean about not tending the garden as much as you use to. I wonder why we are both so busy!?!
I had a moment when I was overcome this afternoon. As I sat on the floor playing with Megan and she was giggling and crawling all over me I was tearing up. I am so thankful God allowed this beautiful little girl to me ours! I know you understand this feeling.
Those are beautiful flowers! I love your blog too.
Also, I'm going to be staying here at your blog during dinner so we can listen to the pretty music while we eat.
I love looking at flowers and enjoyed yours!
Your flowers are lovely, and your photography is picture-perfect! :)
Mrs. C
Such beautiful flowers, Mrs U! The Hibiscus is incredible and Grace and I love Black Eyed Susans! You are right, they are such happy flowers!
Beautiful! Did you know that in Mexico, the folks make a tea out of hibiscus? Yes, indeedy! My hubby and I made if once for our International Dinner to close out a mission's conference at church. It tasted sort of like cranberry juice. He told me he had always heard it was good for the kidneys!
I never tire of seeing God's Creation in it's splendor! How I enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers you have!
Blessings to You! Claudia O.
What fabulous blooms! I especially love the huge hibiscus. I live just far enough north (but in Florida!) for my one hibiscus to freeze to the ground each year. I takes until September for it to start blooming.
Beautiful flowers! I enjoy looking at gardens of stunning color with flowers.
Beautiful blooms. I have the same plant. A hearty hibiscus. I have one with pink flowers and one just like yours. I have been taking pictures of the flowers out back and plan to post some soon. I really enjoyed looking at yours
I just found your blog.
I intend to read it alot.
It jolted me.Ive been in a rut and my house is a wreck.And i want to be the woman you talk about and show here.
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