Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fun craft idea!!!

Okay, I am NOT the craftiest person I know (that award goes to my sister!!). But, I can spot an easy, doable-even-by-me craft a mile away. Over at Mary Ann's House, she has the CUTEST and EASIEST craft idea that even I can do! No joke!! Head on over and see for yourself. Then let's all get busy!! :)


Mary Ann said...

Thanks for linking to me. You are too sweet! I'm glad you liked this!

Mary Ann said...

It's me again!!! LOL! I just wanted you to know that I posted the chicken stuffing casserole recipe on my cooking blog. The other recipes I have linked to on my original menu post that you commented on. Enjoy!

theups said...

Wooohoo!!! Mary Ann, I'm on my way!!!

Mrs. U


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