Now, this isn't a fairy tale, ladies. I'm talking real life here. "The king" is your husband. "Where he lays his head" is, obviously, your bed. What about where he lays his head??
After reading Mommy Bee's post over a month ago entitled A Heavenly Bed, I've been on a mission to make the place where Mr. U, the king of our home, lays his head more comfortable. Mr. U works so very hard. When he is resting at night, I want him to sleep well.
Mommy Bee's post has been swirling around in my head for a while now. The first step I took was to purchase a fluffy mattress pad!!! I was looking online at different mattress pads and knew I could never afford the super nice one I was eyeing. I did, however, find a very fluffy and comfortable mattress pad at Target!!! I put it on our bed last Tuesday night and Mr. U said the bed is very soft! He didn't realize how hard the bed felt before we put this new mattress pad on.
This is only my first step in making our bedroom more comfortable for Mr. U. I love him so much. He is such a good, kind, loving, godly and SUPER SMART man!! I want to take extra special care of him!! After all, he is the king of our home!! :)
I love these posts, Mrs. U. I find it so sad that many women let their bedrooms become a catch all. Never make the bed, papers everywhere, etc. I believe that the master bedroom should be a place of relaxation, where the husband and wife can enjoy one anothers company, and rest. Thank you for showing ladies how to make this happen.
He is the king!!! Doesn't feel wonderful to be his queen?
Way 2 go on the bed!!!
A few months back, we antied up and bought 500 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. WoW!!! Those mad a big differance, too!!!
Great post Mrs. U! It's time to paint and update our bedroom (one of my upcoming winter projects). For a place where people spend so much time, the room should be made to be as comfortable and relaxing as possible, especially the bed.
What a wonderful view you have of your dear hubby!
Thanks for the encouragement.
Mrs. U, you're so sweet with your husband, you are such a great example for me! And ladies, I can say that her husband absolutely adores her!
Mrs. U, check out the review on that mattress pad on the link, before washing.
Melissa :D
Thank you, Melissa, for pointing out the review! I decided that I needed to leave my review, too, so hopefully it'll show up on their site soon.
I always wash things when I first purchase them, so this was no different. It came out of the dryer perfectly!! I feel bad for the other reviewer that had theirs tear.
Mrs. U
What a wonderful idea, Mrs. U!!! I love making our bedroom a special place too!
Mrs. U--what a sweet post!!! You are such a good wife:)
Mrs. U,
This is how horrible I am when it comes to washing new clothes....I don't until after I've worn them the first time, so if they mess up in the wash, at least I've already worn them once, hehe!
(That's horrible, I know, I'm sure children will change me. I don't want to put anything unwashed on them!)
Mrs. U thank you for this inspiring post - our bedroom has been in some state of untidiness since the beginning of the bathroom reno in MARCH - and it has been driving me nuts, but not enough to to get to it. Today our daughter said - "Why should I pick up my room when your is such a mess?" Ouch. I dealt with the saucy retort, and then started to tidy a bit. I have more to do, but at least I made a start. Pray for energy for me please - it is a low priority, but I need to make it restful and that means tidy!
I HEAR you saying to make our husband's comfortable and the king of the home, etc.
But I ALSO hear you saying I can go shopping...did I understand you right? :)
I guess I'll move "paint master bedroom" up to the top of my list. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hey Mrs. U.
I will have to say that in my opinion the most important room in the house id the Master bedroom. It is your sanctuary. And I try to keep it very simple and uncluttered so that it is calm and relaxing. But my bed is the bedt piece of furniture in the house. It is very simple, clean lines, low to the ground. I feel like my how body relaxes when I m not having to climb up in a big high bed. I use 500 thread count sheets. Just fitted sheet, so making the bed is simpl and our bedding can sir out daily. This is eruopean. I have down comforter, tha I bought at Target and I purchase duvet sets. And I saved up and bought really nice pillows.
A little tip I learned. When you buy high thread count sheets, cold only wash no fabric softener. Your sheets will get softer with each wash and will last longer. Also, to cut back on having to wash then, shower at night and your sheets stay fresher for two weeks rather than washing every week.
I love my bed and so does my king and now my little princesses love Mommy and Daddy's bed alot too!!
peace-out, Sal
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