Thursday, September 14, 2006

My garden...

Fall is just around the corner. And today that corner seems awfully close!!!

I was pulling weeds in the garden earlier and noticed all my flowers are either dying or going to sleep for the winter. My big beautiful hydrangeas on either side of the front porch aren't lavender and cheery anymore. The petunias that grow with such passion are left leggy and in need of a visit to the trash pile. The lovely black-eyed susans have all lost their sunshine yellow petals. Sigh. As much as I love fall, I hate to see the happy flowers of summer go.

While pulling weeds, I realized that I don't have to be sad about my flowers. I can have a fall garden!! I've never actually planted any flowers in the beds for fall and the only flowers I know about for fall planting are mums!! I know there have to be many more flowers that I could plant for fall and I was wondering if any of y'all could help me out? What are some fall flowers that I could plant this year? Annuals, perennials, biennials, doens't matter. I just LOVE color in my flowers beds!!!

Please, if y'all think of any, let me know!!


Anonymous said...

I bought some mums at Lowes the other day...they work well in most climates for Fall color. Its finally feeling like Fall here in California, and been busy creating cozy corners in my home! Blessings to you...

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

I planted some Autumn Joy Sedum last year, and they are HUGE and beautiful this year!! I should take a pic for you and post on my "Nod to Nature" blog!

Julieann said...

Your Garden still looks Lovely, Mrs. U:)

theups said...

Mindy- I'm definitely heading to Lowe's for some mums!!!

Becca- Thanks for the tip for Autumn Joy Sedum!!! I'll check Lowe's for that as well!!

Julieann- Oh how I WISH that were a picture of my garden!! Wouldn't it be LOVELY!!!! It's not. I just found that picture online and was dreaming of a garden like that this fall. :)

Kelli said...

Definetely look into Autumn Joy Sedum. They stay pink all spring and summer and then slowly turn a dark ambur color for fall. They are so pretty! I usually plant pansies in the fall and then in the spring, dry them and make spring cards with them.
I can't wait to hear what you plant!!

Susan P. said...

Mrs. U, every Fall I plant pansies. They are fairly hardy and best part about them is they come back in the spring:) In climates that are warmer they will stay thoughout the winter. It is so nice to see their "cheery" heads blooming in the dead of winter!

Sharon said...

Oh what a lovely blog you have, came across it through friends blogs and I have you in my favorites now. Your garden is so prett, when you have time come and visit me at Lavender and Lace...till later.....

theups said...

Oooh Kelli!!! I LOVE the idea of using them to make cards!!! Hopefully by Spring, I will know how to do this well and you'll see the results!! :)

Susan P- I agree about enjoying seeing cheery heads of blooms in the winter!!! What a glorious sight!!! The Lord is so kind to give us beautiful things to behold even in the winter!!! :)

Hi Sharonkay!!! Thank you for visiting!!! And, sadly, I must tell you that it is not a picture of my garden. How I WISH it were!! Perhaps one day it'll be that beautiful! And if and when that happens, I guarantee I'll blog about it!! LOL!!

Mrs. U

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

I posted a couple of pictures of my autumn joy sedum for you on my regular blog.........

Shari said...

ROTFL! I was about to praise you on the picture!
I'll have to check out the book and send you a link if i can. there is a really cool book i got from the library about planting so you can have something every season! i loved it. I'll be back with more info. :):)


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