I would love to hear from y'all about how your family does breakfast each morning. Do you always eat together? Do you have a menu for breakfast or does everyone just grab something? Do you set an elaborate table or do you eat off paper towels? Seriously, I'd LOVE to hear how breakfast is around your home!!!
We all grab what we want when we need it, but there are no little kids at home yet :)
On weekdays, we have breakfast at 8:30ish. I have a meal plan for the week and work my breakfasts into that. It's not a long drawn out thing, and it's not fancy. Usually I oscillate between pancakes, eggs, muffins, toast. Last week I tried my hand at crumpets. Yum!
We sit and eat and my husband reads a Scripture passage to us (we're working through Romans right now). We talk and pray and this is how we start our day as a family--I love it! It's hard to make it happen on some days, but it's worth it. I actually mentioned it in my last post:
We didn't start doing this until Isaiah was old enough to sit at his high chair and eat breakfast. We were NOT breakfast people until he came along. He HAS to eat breakfast as a baby, and we really should too, so now we get a good nutritional and spiritual start to our day as a family.
You are going to be so jealous! When we went on a cruise for our honeymoon, I told my husband that I would miss having breakfast made for me everyday. I guess he just ran with that because just about every day for the last 7 years, my husband has made me breakfast in bed. It's usually eggs but sometimes pancakes, and its just his "thing". I am so spoiled!
Our family is just my husband and I and we get up at the same time in the morning. Usually, we will either have cereal or pop tarts and eat right in bed while we watch tv. It sounds awful but we've gotten in the habit :)
Our breakfast doesnt look anything like that cute picture. Husb at his desk eating his oatmeal and me sitting in the bed eating cereal reading blogs. We live in a studio apartment tho...so at least we are in the same room ;)
My DH and I sit down and eat breakfast together before he leaves. I have a menu for breakfast. It usually involves eggs, meat, fruit, and a bread of some sort, nothing really complicated. It is a great time for us to chat before my DH heads off to work and we get a chance to pray together then too.
I make my kid's breakfast and then get them to school and work out before I eat. Then I have a protein shake after the workout. My husband cooks himself a full breakfast of potatoes, beans, eggs, and tortillas.
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
I'm new to your blog - and by the way, I love it! We are empty nesters, so we have breakfast on the run - my husband goes to work early and usually takes 1/2 bagel w/cream cheese and I usually eat the other half when I'm fully awake (he leaves at 5:30 a.m.) We try to have a big breakfast on week-ends, bacon, eggs, pancakes, all the fixin's. Fun blog!
We are not huge breakfast eaters around here, in fact my husband and I have to be up for a while before food even sounds appealing!
So during the week he takes a mid-morning stack with him to work (fruit or banana loaf for example) and I give Miss Pear breakfast (something simple like granola and yogurt, cereal and fruit or toast and fruit) while I feed baby her morning baby cereal). Then I drink a cup of coffee while I read them we have Bible time.
On the weekend I do try to do something nicer on Saturdays, but in this heat we like a cold breakfast!
Haha we look like your picture!!!! But that baby in our house would be nursing at the table LOL.
We always eat together, oatmeal, eggs, ham, potatoes, fruits and hot drinks (coffee, tea etc...) are on the menu pretty much everyday.
We start up with my husband giving thanks for the food then eat then read a portion of the bible followed by time in prayer then he leave for work.
I usually put the little one to bed for a nap and our 2 years old have a time doing some craft or something while I clean up.
That is a typical morning at the Stam house
Mr. P leaves at the crack of dawn so he has his Cheerios and out the door he goes. Miss Bonnie is up a little after the crack of dawn, lol, and she grabs a quick something (i.e. protein bar, muffin)and out the door she goes to nursing school.Finally, I get up, NOT at the crack of dawn, have a cup of coffee, and either cereal or a bagel.
The only time we have a "family" breakfast is on the weekend if all three of us are here. Otherwise we all just skip or grab something quick like a muffin or bowl of cereal. I love to make a really good breakfast on Sundays and all of us sit at the table.
On school days I get everyone up around 7:30am and we get a bowl of cereal since that is our favorite breakfast. Afterwards, I have a cup of coffee. My brain doesn't start working until after 9:00am, so it's best if I stay away from the oven and stove. ;0)
We homeschool, and my husband doesn't go into work until about 9 am, so we try to eat breakfast together. I put together a weekly breakfast "menu" (subject to change depending on schedule; if we have drs appts early, it's cereal).
I have one kid who won't eat eggs at all. Not at all. The others love eggs, so they sometimes get egg in a window or scrambled eggs in a burrito. Other breakfast items in the rotation are oatmeal (always with raisins and honey), french toast, pancakes, cinnamon toast and cocoa with fruit.
I try to switch things around so we don't rely on cereal. If we do have cereal, I try to add hardboiled eggs to the plate so they get some protein.
Another favorite is strawberry smoothies.
We homeschool, so I am usually up making my girls breakfast in the morning, my DH is already off to work. I usually make them a smoothie in the blender, no recipe just throw in whatever fruit I have, a banana, some organic blueberries, some water, a little rice milk, whip it up, and they love it! I usually serve whole wheat toast with homemade jam with it.
I have been working with a health coach for the last year, and she really emphasizes nutritious breakfasts, and I agree. For me, she wants me eating oatmeal, or beans...seriously! She said we are one of the only countries that don't eat beans for breakfast...there are actually so many kinds of beans and so many ways to prepare them. I also will make a healthy pancake once in awhile with a berry mixture I whip up in the blender instead of the high sugar syrup. So, ultimately we really try to do very healthy, high nutrient breakfasts at our house!
We are very lucky in the fact my husbands job allows us to eat breakfast together eveyday. Mon - Fri it's cereal/toast and on the weekends we have pancakes, cinnamon rolls, eggs etc.
I find it an amazing start to our day - excitment, sometimes worries of the day. It's always nice at dinner time to then to talk about how things went.
We usually just grab what's around. Sometimes cereal, sometimes I cook but since mornings are hectic we usually eat as needed.
Oh wow, so many comments, Mrs. U! Unfortunately we are not able to eat a family breakfast at the table for everyone leaves at different times. I make my husband's "porridge" (coconut milk, frozen fruit, greens and protein powder) first and get his lunch together and he leaves. I then make my oldests smoothie (frozen fruit, raw milk, heavy cream, greens and protein powder) and get him out the door. The second and third I make some meat such as bacon or sausage with a bagel or cinnamon toast. After everyone leaves I eat a biscuit with sweet tea and check emails and do computer work while eating.
We just basically get what we want when we want it. when the kids were younger we had breakfast at a certain time and a menu.
Hubs and I eat together and pray for the kiddos, discuss our day. I'm not fully awake, but with 4 kids under age 7, we take the time we can find:) We eat around 6:00 AM.
The kiddos are up at 7, eat at 7:30-ish. I try to read a devo or scripture to them while they eat, but it depends totally on how cooperative the younger ones are at eating on their own and how much coaching the big ones need to prepare fully for the day. We typically eat cereal or oatmeal through the week, and I save the more complicated meals for weekends. Having said that, my kids are hungrier later in the AM since we've switched to cereal.
We always eat together as a family. Starting a day without a large breakfast with the family is unheard of in our house.
My husband is usually leaving as I am preparing breakfast.We eat everything from cereal,oatmeal,pancakes,eggs,to toast. Occasionally, he will sit down with us for a biscuit if he has time. His schedule does fluctuate .Saturday is always a big breakfast for our family...Some of their favorites are biscuits and chocolate gravy,popovers, and sour cream coffee cake! We are a homeschooling family of 5 children. We always eat at the table...I think it is a GREAT way to start the day together and I can also keep up with who has eaten! ~Heather
Well, Hubby works thirds, so if he's not too tired, he joins in. But for the most part, it's just me and baby girl (and two dribbling pooches). I cook up something (I confess, we eat a little portion of bacon almost every morning) and serve eggs and fruit. I love breakfast, it is just as important as dinner to me, and so it is served with as must gusto! Love your blog! :) :)
Fresh fruit is the key. My husband has half-jokingly held a "as long as they eat a banana" philosophy for years ("it's fine if they eat X, as long as they eat a banana").
Not sure I'd go that far but at the very least we try and have fresh fruit on the table in the mornings. For example, our new favorite morning shortcut: Batter Blaster organic pancakes in a can!
Sounds totally nuts. Couldn't agree more. But they taste good, the kids will eat them, and they are super easy. Reasons enough in our house.
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