Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cornbread Salad...

Cornbread salad? Sounds a little strange, right? Think what you like, but WOW is this delicious!!

I discovered this yummy recipe from Harrington House who directed me to Cherry Hill Cottage. A huge THANK YOU to both of these ladies for the recipe!!!

Cornbread Salad

2 pans cooked cornbread, crumbled
1 pound bacon cooked crisp, broken up
1 purple onion, chopped
1 cup green onion, chopped
2 fresh tomatoes, diced
2 cups mayonnaise

Mix this all together and enjoy!! But, if you mix it all together, cover, and wait about 24 hours, the taste gets even BETTER!!!!


The Glamorous Housewife said...

That looks quite interesting- almost like a stuffing salad! I think I will try this next week.

Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife

Susan P. said...

Too funny ~ that's exactly how I discovered it, too! I didn't think it sounded very good at first, but I trusted these two ladies because they always have such yummy recipes. They were right ~ it was delish! My family LOVED it:)

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

This looks delicious! How big are the pans that you cook the cornbread in?

Mrs. U said...

Hi Traci!!
I cooked mine in two 9 inch pans, but you can make yours in 8 inch pans, too- they'll just be a smidge taller. It'll all taste the same in the end- YUMMY! :)

Let me know how it turns out!!

Happy cooking!!

Mrs. U

Mama Z's said...

Thanks for the reciepe. I have had this before and it is quite yummy!

Scientific Housewife said...

I think I just might try this on my husband next week and see what he thinks. I haven't cooked with cornbread before but I love it!

Anonymous said...

This sounds delicious!

brokeintrovert said...

Some of the strangest sounding combinations are the most tasty! I love cornbread! Thanks for posting the recipe.

Alisa@Foodista said...

What an interesting salad!It sure looks delicious.I'd love to guide our readers to your site if you won't mind.Just add your choice of foodista widget to this post and it's all set, Thanks!

Connie J said...

We LOVE cornbread salad! Thanks for the reminder that I need to fix it.


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