Friday, February 22, 2008

Lock bumping... is your home really safe??

Oh dear. I just ran across this on April's blog (thank you, April, for sharing this!!!). I find it rather alarming and I think you will, too.

Definitely part of making a house a home is making it a safe home!!!!

UPDATE: Mrs. Pear has kindly shared with me that Kwikset makes a "SmartKey" that helps protect against lock bumping. Thank you, Mrs. Pear, for sharing this!!!


April said...

I'm glad you have posted this. I hope everyone can make their homes safer and be more informed.

I tried to reply to one of your messages you left and then realized it was a noreply address. I'm bummed.

Mrs. Pear said...

Mrs U

Please email me at the usual place - there is a brand of locks that carries a bump proof deadbolt.

But it is always important to remember that in most cases the lock is not the weakest point- the wood in the door jam is.

Cherish the Home said...

Oh my! I'm posting this on my blog too. Thanks.

Jodi said...

Mrs. U ~ Thank you for sharing this. It seems like criminals are always coming up with something new!

Cyndi Lewis said...

Mrs. U. I've just been tagged, so I'm tagging you. Check out my blog ( for the rules if you have the time and are interested in playing.

Just Melody said...

Thanks for the video. I was not aware of this trend. You have a very pretty blog.


April said...

This is just a test of the national broadcasting service. Sorry everyone...inside joke. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great lock bumping site with a lot of information.


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