I finally made this cake this weekend!!! I've been looking at this recipe in my cookbook and saying I was going to make it for about 5 years now!! I found the recipe in the cookbook The Pastors Wives Cookbook and it sounded so delicious, I just knew my family would love it. It is a SIMPLE cake to make and SOOO moist and tasty!!!
Peach Cake
2 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil (I used light olive oil)
2 eggs
4 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp each of salt, nutmeg, allspice and cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1 (29 oz) can peaches and juice
1 cup nuts of your choice (optional)
Place everything in your mixing bowl. Using a mixer, mix until peaches are chopped. Pour into a prepared bundt pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Looks and sounds delicious!
~ Christina
Thank you for the recipe! We have six peach trees that are loaded with peaches this year, after having been frozen out the past three years.
I am looking forward to making the cake.
Wow, that sounds really really good. Thanks for the recipe!
This one looks great. I have copied it off and put it in my "Try this recipe" file! Thanks for sharing, Diane
I am going to have to make this one It sounds so yummy.
Looks great! There are just SO many great recipes I want to try when I have the time! :)
Mmmm. Yummy. Thanks for another tempting recipe!
I love peaches with a passion, but have always prefered them untampered with! I have learned to appreciate peach cobbler, peach smoothies, frozen peaches over ice cream, and peach jam, but have yet to develop a taste for peach pie! Maybe I'll like peach cake - I'll try your recipe after I can peaches this year - there are none left from last year - I mainly froze peaches and they were gone by December .... did I mention I love peaches? Thanks for sharing the recipe! Have a peach of a day!
This sounds so yummy! I will have to make it as soon as I find that missing kitchen box that has all my spices.
I am shocked that it is still eluding both me and my mother-in-law as we have been opening and unpacking every box in sight! I am confident that it cannot hide much longer! (there are just not that many boxes left!)
Mrs. U,
Thank you for posting this great looking recipe. And so easy, to boot!
My question is: Were your peaches canned in light syrup, heavy syrup or water?
Seems like the heavy syrup in addition to the 2 cups sugar would make it very sweet.
Thanks for your help!
Andrea L.
Nancyr and Heather- I think fresh peaches would be WONDERFUL in this cake!! I guess you would have to use some that you have canned, though, since it calls for the peaches and their juice.
Andrea L- it is a VERY easy recipe! I LOVE that!!! And I used peaches that are canned in pear juice and water. It said "No sugar added". I didn't want to add all the extra sugar either.
Mrs. Pear- wish I was next door to you! I'd make y'all a "welcome to the neighborhood cake" (peach cake, of course!! HA!) and come help you find everything! :)
Mrs. U
Wow that looks yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe :)
God bless :)
Oh - that looks wonderful! :o)
Thanks for that - it looks lovely - do you think it could be used in any pan as I don't have the one you suggest?
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