Yes, Elizabeth is almost 13 months and is still rear facing. After reading this, on the Car-Safety.org site, I think she'll remain rear facing for a while.
ADDED BIT OF REALLY GOOD ADVICE: Susan P. over at A Place Called Home shared this in the comment section.
I wanted to let you know that my son is a firefighter and around here they take all kinds of car seat safety classes. They are always ready to help at the Fire Station to check your car seat for safety, show you how to properly install, all the things you need to know and I like that they are so "hands on" about it. Maybe you could call your local fire dept. to see if they do this too.
This is DEFINITELY a great service that firefighters offer!! In an email with Susan, she said to be sure and call your fire department first to make sure that they do, in fact, offer this service. Thank you SO much, Susan!!!!
Oh Mrs. U, she is just really too precious for words! She is so darling it makes me want to be a Nana! LOL I wanted to let you know that my son is a firefighter and around here they take all kinds of car seat safety classes. They are always ready to help at the Fire Station to check your car seat for safety, show you how to properly install, all the things you need to know and I like that they are so "hands on" about it. Maybe you could call your local fire dept. to see if they do this too. Funny story: they had a husband come by with twin babies on the way (his wife asked him to go so the F.D. would install them so they'd be ready for the twins.) They were getting ready to do it when they got a fire call ~ FOUR hours later when they returned that poor Dad was STILL there!!! The guys felt so bad he waited for so long but the husband said he didn't mind and anyway, his wife wouldn't let him in the door if he hadn't gotten them installed properly! LOL Don't you just love that?!!!
Oh wow... she is the definition of precious! You are so blessed!
Elizabeth is so sweet!
I recognize the car seat you have, and it is an excellent one, we have one from the same company, and plan to get their booster seat when needed.
You are very wise to keep Elizabeth rear-facing for as long as possible. Our pediatrician recommended rear-facing for as long as our children fit, even if their legs are a little bit crunched.
I'm a long time lurker of your blog - I found you on Rumor Queen's site. We switched from China to Guatemala and recently brought home our 11 month old daughter, Amelia (she's also now 13 months).
Just wanted to tell you how gorgeous your precious girl is - what a blessing she must be!!! (And Amelia is using the exact same carseat with the same fabric too!)
What a peaceful, sweet girl you have there, Mrs. U!!!
Such a darling girl you have napping in her car seat. So sweet! :o)
Whe is just so sweet Mrs. U!! I can't believe how big she is getting!
Sweet dreams! Such a lovely girl. And good advice about car seats.
Mrs. U - thank you for this timely advice - we are needing updated information concerning car seats, so I will check this out! Oh, by the way, does your sweet sweet bundle of joy like her car seat?
Yes, it is a good idea to keep Elizabeth in a rear-facing posistion until she is 20 lbs. And by judging the pictures, she is a very tiny girl. :) One other thing to remember with carseat safety, is to have the chest belt (the part that snaps over her chest) tight fitting to her body, and pushed up so it is at the height of about where her arm pits are. This keeps her secure in the seat, in case of a wreck, she is much less likely to be able to flop around. Hope this helps!
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