I don't know about y'all, but a simple cup of tea can change me from feeling frumpy to feeling feminine in one sip. Why is that? Is it because I must pause to drink it? I can't just gulp it down like a soda. Or is because it is served in a pretty cup? Is it the enchanting aroma? Whatever it is, I love it.
Enjoying a cup of tea is just what I needed today. I woke up tired. I felt unkempt. I simply poured a cup of my favorite tea (Chai has been my favorite for about 2 years now), visited a lovely feminine blog, Homeliving Helper, and voila! I'm feeling much more ladylike than I was half an hour earlier.
For me, I enjoy keeping my home in order when I feel more feminine. I want to make sure that even the little things are straightened or cleaned- not just sloppily done simply to be able to check it off my "to do" list that day. When I feel more ladylike, I make sure that even the little things about ME are straightened, as well. For example, I make sure my hair is in place, my clothes are neatly pressed, my earrings are on, I'm smelling fresh and clean.
A simple cup of tea can lead to a clean home AND a more lovely feeling wife and mother! Imagine that!!
What makes YOU feel more feminine? Please share!! If you blog about it or have blogged about it before, please leave a link for all to enjoy!!
Mrs. U, I just loved this post ~ wouldn't it be fun if we could sit down and enjoy a cup of tea together?!! I just did a post about feminity too! here's the link: http://home-place.blogspot.com/2007/05/joy-of-being-girl-one-of-great.html
Things that I enjoy: scented candles, bubble baths, perfume, and pedicures! :)
I love dresses or skirts. I just strated to wear them everyday atthe beginning of this year. I'm amazed at how much it affects the others around me as well! I also like to paint my toenails since I'm almost always in my bare feet.
I love herbal/fruit tea, I'm not so keen on black tea. I love bubble baths surrounded scented candles - an event that happens all too rarely with two little ones!! :)
Skirts and dresses make me feel more feminine, as does just doing Mommy and Wifey things. There are things that only I, as the woman of the home, can do, and it brings about a feeling of femininity that nothing else can.
Wish I could get into tea. I don't like drinking it usually. I see pictures of gorgeous tea sets on everyone's blog and I love that part of tea, but actually drinking the stuff, I can't do. Don't know why. Maybe I have been trying the wrong kind of tea! I'll need to try Chai, Mrs. U!
Lol, you know I meant a bubble bath surrounded by scented candles, not bubble baths surrounding scented candles! I must check my comments before posting.
Lovely post! Even the pretty picture inspired me. I think having pretty things around makes me feel feminine. I don't even drink tea (or anything besides water for that matter), but I collect tea cups and tea pots just because "seeing them" encourages my heart and spirit!
I agree. Having a cup of tea works wonders on my children also. If I sit down to tea, the kids usually ask for a cup, too, and they are so quiet and well-behaved when they are having a cup of tea with me. I guess it makes them feel more grown up.
I am a great lover of skirts! I wear them around the house as well as to work! I also keep tea at work too. Right now tangerine orange zinger is my favorite.
I feel more feminine just reading your post:) I just adore being a girl.
I feel femnine in a pretty sundress, and when I am having a really good hair day:)
What a wonderful post---I just love happy, uplifting posts!!
Thanks for stopping by, Mrs. U. When I feel frumpy, I sprinkle on some talc, grab my white sun hat, and go outside with my little boy. Just being out of doors with the wind blowing and the sun shining, while he scampers about is refreshing and deliciously feminine when done in feminine ways.
I choose to wear a t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes at the bakery because I can't stand the thought of getting my nice clothes food colored, or sticky. So, in order to feel more feminine at work, I wear pretty earrings, wear my hair in a neat bun (as opposed to messy up-do), and a simple, but "made-up" face! I try to always remember to stand up straight, as opposed to being stumped over the mixer!
Also, a good friend reminded me of how simply putting on an apron at work can make me look, and feel more feminine in a second!
When I'm not at work, wearing long skirts makes me feel super feminine!
So....thank you for this post! Neat thinking about it!
What a wonderful post, Mrs. U! Like you, a cup of tea does the trick and I love the Homeliving Helper blog. It's so inspiring.
One thing that helps me feel lady-like is putting my hair up in a bun. I like to imagine I'm Elizabeth Bennett. :0)
A cup of tea is always relaxing. If I am having a rough day I will wash my face start over with fresh make up and then touch up my hair. I usually wear it in a bun. Nothing fancy here!
I always wear make up, even when I am not going anywhere. It makes me feel together.
I'm going through a PINK phase. I like almost everything pink. I also like sparkles. I bought myself a pink sparkly bracelet when I was on vacation and it is so feminine. I also like daisies.
I'm afraid I'll have to stick with coffee, but otherwise. . .
same here!
I really enjoyed reading all of your responses!!! You all have given me a lot of great ideas to add a touch more femininity to my day!! Thank you all!
Mrs. U
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