I am famous for letting my pasta boil over every time I cook pasta (okay, not every time, but about 9 times out of 10!!). For YEARS I have heard about this little trick, but I have never tried it until recently. You bring your water to a boil, add salt and olive oil and then stir in your pasta. Then place a wooden spoon across your pot of pasta and it is supposed to keep it from boiling over.
THIS REALLY WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was shocked when it worked the first time and have still been shocked that it works every time for me!! WOOHOOO!! My stove top is MUCH easier to clean these days. :)
Great trick. Do you know how to keep the same thing happening with potatoes?!
Sadly, Mrs. Nespy, I could not get this to work with potatoes. Sigh. If you ever come up with a tip, PLEASE PLEASE share it with me!!
Mrs. U
I think what's making this work is the oil, not the wooden spoon. When I pour oil in my pasta pot after it comes to a boil it keeps it from boiling over so perhaps that's why it hasn't worked with potatoes. (o:
Many Blessings,
I wonder at the science behind that....
Anyhow...I enjoy your blog and just wanted you to know!
God bless!!
Wow, I've never heard this before. I will definitely try it because I'm all about having a stove that's easy to clean;o) Mrs. U, I think that with all of your wonderful tips you should have your own cooking show on the Food Network!!
I'll have to try this one. Thanks.
LOL how neat!!! Thank you for sharing this with us! :)
Great tip! I also have the boiling over problem.
Mrs. U!!! That is just too cool!
I also want to say, that I love how you photograph things--you have quite the talent:)
LOL...I see someone else already asked about potatoes. Darn!
what a great tip...
Do you have to hold your mouth a certain way while you do all of that?
Seriously? Mind boggling... I am trying it and gathering the kids around to watch. :)
Mrs. B, I've used a tad bit of oil for years while boiling my pasta and it still would boil over every time... because... well, I am just really good at boiling pasta over!! HAHA!!
Mrs. U
Leigh, you crack me up!
Have you made any PW recipes lately?
Mrs. U
I'll give it a try! My potatoes always boil over!
HOW COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here I spent 5 bucks on this little gadget from Pampered Chef. It looks like the lid of a tin can with a little lip on it. you place it, lip down, into your pan of water. It circulated the water down through the pot, out the lip and then no boil over. So, here I bought this years ago, and it works well, but I have wooden spoons I could have used for free. Thanks for sharing Mrs. U!!!!!!!!
Well, putting a little blob of butter in your potato pot will keep the potatoes from boiling over. I learned this tip while reading Rod and Staff storybooks to our daughter. The mother was scolding the oldest daughter for forgetting to put butter in the potato pot and it made a big mess on the stovetop. I've been using it ever since!
Thank you!!!!It really works.
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