It's been a quiet few days around here. Our internet was down and we're not sure why. We're back, though, and happy to have it. It is AMAZING how often I think "Oh, I need to Google that" or "I need a recipe for such and such" and I COULDN'T get online to find out my answers!!!!
Also, our TV went out. Not that we watch an exceptional amount of TV around here, but we do enjoy turning on the news to catch up with what's going on around the world. Mr. U found a good deal on a new TV, so I sure he will have that fixed perfectly soon enough. After all, I did record a Chefography of Julia Child that I am dying to watch. :)
We have family coming in town today. Elizabeth and I are doing that last minute cleaning that everyone does before guests arrive. It'll be nice to visit with family.
What have you been up to? I love hearing about everyone's day. :)
I caught some of the Chefograpy of Julia Child. I really enjoyed it. I am hoping they will run it again so I can catch the entire episode.
Wow! Sorry you are having so many electrical type problems with things! Glad you are back now though!!! :)
I hope you have an enjoyable time visiting with your family!!!! :)
Glad to hear you are back up, Mrs. U! Whenever our internet goes out I think of 100 things to google. LOL
Have a wonderful day!
Glad your all back up and running. I bet the special on Julia was neat.
Have a great weekend!
I'm stopping in after a long time away from visiting and posting, both of which I am now catching up on!
Glad you are up and running again! :-)
I've caught the chefographies of Mario Batali, Rachel Ray, and the food network. I would hate having the t.v. out. It is our families version of radio. It is always on, usually news, Food Network, HGTV, or other educational type channels. But I absolutly can't live without internet. When ours goes out, it drives me crazy that I can't just pop on and find the info I need.
While you've been on break, I've been fighting morning sickness and enjoying Michigan's first really nice weather. We've been having school outside.
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