Thursday, April 24, 2008


The first roses are just starting to open. I love the fragrance of roses. And the lovely shade of these Queen Elizabeth roses certainly brighten up our kitchen table.

What's blooming where you are?


Anonymous said...

Everything... Hack, cough, sneeze!

:) Leigh

Anonymous said...

Lilacs - they're glorious!

Mrs. U said...

Aw Leigh!! I SO know what you mean! Elizabeth apparently is allergic to something right now BIG TIME. She's got a cough/sinus thing going on now and she just got over one 2 1/2 weeks ago! Poor baby!!!

By the way Leigh, what have you been cooking lately? :)

Mrs. U

Mrs. U said...

Dear Anonymous,
I am jealous that you have lilacs!! I would love to plant some. No, not some, LOTS!! They are so dreamy and smell heavenly!

Mrs. U

Katy said...

Beautiful rose! i love roses! We have lots of tulips..ACK I am having a brain fart...i have a ton of them...yellow flowers that are out this time of year?? what are they called?? it is right on the tip of my tongue and i can't think...ack! hosta are coming up too!!! i am sooo excited! they will look so nice as they start to fill stuff in!!! :) i can't wait!!!

Dianna said...

Trees! They're beautiful. Also, lots of bulbs, like daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips are coming on.

We don't have any this year, but I hope we'll get some in before next year. Until then, I'll have to just enjoy everyone else's!

Kelli said...

Oh my, that is just beautiful, Mrs U! We have roses blooming here too!

Anonymous said...

Blooming? Blooming? The snow just finally melted! But the grass is greening up. Hooray!!!

Debbie Yuck

Dannye said...

my gardinas....and what an amazing aroma...i stop and smell them everyday at least 3 times a day...

gotta love spring!!

Tammy said...

What a beautiful picture! I have a small bleeding heart that is blooming, and a few tulilps that are starting to show. Yeah!

Dorothy Aichele Conway said...

That's beautiful shade of pink. We don't get roses till June.

Trish said...

My K-mart-clearance-dollar-priced lilacs are peeking out...but tonight it is snowing...hope they can survive! Your blog is so pretty, I really enjoyed my visit!


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