Oh my. I recently read that the dirtiest spot in your home is........ can you guess??? No, not your bathroom. Not the kitchen. It's the doorknob into your home!!!!!
Be honest, when was the last time you cleaned the doorknob that leads into your home? Just thinking of those germs gives me the heebie jeebies!!!
I don't know about y'all, but I am cleaning my doorknobs TODAY!!!!!
Not to freak you out, but most health inspectors will tell you that the dirtiest thing in a kitchen is the can opener! While many cooks use their's and throw it in the sink to wash, many others just put it back in the drawer unless it is obviously dirty!
Just while we are on the topic of yuck and all...
...now I must go clean doorknobs...
Wipe those light switches too!!!
Light switches and doorknobs are two things that I am very particular about and I clean them often. Friends and family all think I am a germ freak, or at least that is what they call me. Thanks for posting this information. I am looking forward to sharing it with OTHERS that I know.
You know, light switches and doorknobs INSIDE the house I remember to clean regularly, but OUTSIDE the house? It NEVER occurred to me!!!
When we come home from church, we all joke about washing the "brethren" off our hands because we've shaken so many hands at church and, well, we all know that not everyone washes their hands like they should. Ahem. Anyway, we come in the door, wash our hands and go about our business, but just THINK about all the germs we've left on the OUTSIDE doorknob!! OH MY!!!!
So, yes, I already washed the doorknobs and am already feeling so much healthier!! ...Smile....
Mrs. U
Oh my...that's not something I often think about! Thanks for the reminder!! I often clean them inside the house...but not the outside or the cellar doors...YIKES!! I think I will assign that job to someone an a regular basis!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I came to check your's out, but I can't stay long because I've got to go wash my doorknob!
Ha ha, yes I had read that too~~~When someone starts to get sick here, doorknobs are the first thing I start sanitzing...LOL.
I spray the doorknobs all the time with lysol. The other dirty thing is your remote. YUCK
Thanks for the tip! I will add this to my routine. I clean light switches because I see the dirty marks, but doorknobs in my home were never a thought!
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