Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!!

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. LOL!! We were hit by lightning last weekend and our high speed is STILL not working! We have dail-up temporarily, but anyone with dial-up knows that you can NOT load any type of photo here on blogger unless you have high speed. So, I'll be up and running again as soon as we are back to normal around here!!

I do hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day!! Thank you to all those serving in the military to keep our country safe!!!

Mrs. U


Thumperdd said...

Ouch! That doesn't sound good. Hope everyone is okay. We miss you...


Tori Leslie said...

Sorry about the lightning, it happens though.
Hope you had a great yesterday. Someone had to remind me that it was Memorial Day, they don't celebrate it in Croatia. WINK

I've also been MIA, but I'm back for a while anyhow.


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