I'll be the very first to admit that I am not very hospitable. At least, not biblically speaking. I worry about what people think about the home, if they'll like the food, etc. I want to impress them with MYSELF instead of impressing them with the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I was even more convicted about it this afternoon as I read an article entitled Not Just Good-Housekeeping: A Case for Christian Hospitality. Oh boy. How do YOU stack up here? Be honest with yourself...
This article is actually part 2. Part 1 is entitled Practicing Biblical Hospitality and is wonderful, as well.
I'd love to hear from some of y'all that have battled "self" in this area and conquered it. What does true biblical hospitality look like in your home?
I was even more convicted about it this afternoon as I read an article entitled Not Just Good-Housekeeping: A Case for Christian Hospitality. Oh boy. How do YOU stack up here? Be honest with yourself...
Entertaining is fundamentally "me-focused."
It has the feel of a show and it's heart is impressing other people either visually or with a meal.
It is embarrassed if something "goes wrong" or doesn't fit the kind of reputation it is trying to project or protect.
It is essentially prideful and hopes to be repaid.
It carries an air of formality that prohibits spiritual intimacy and fellowship.
It tends not to associate with the "lowly."
Biblical hospitality is humble.
It attempts to make people feel comfortable; creating an atmosphere where people can be themselves, fellowship together, and where ministry can take place.
It doesn't seek to hide areas of weakness or flaws - these are assumed.
It recognizes that the importance of any other person rests in their having been made in the image of God, not their social status.
It is servanthood that desires God to receive glory by time spent with others.
It is open to the needy and doesn't seek repayment.
It points unbelievers and those who are weak toward the Gospel.
This article is actually part 2. Part 1 is entitled Practicing Biblical Hospitality and is wonderful, as well.
I'd love to hear from some of y'all that have battled "self" in this area and conquered it. What does true biblical hospitality look like in your home?
Been thinking about the issue of hospitality. I am reading Carolyn McCulley's Radical Womanhood and she addresses this issue -- as well as the keeping of the home. No answers as yet -- just started the thinking process yesterday. Thanks for honestly sharing your life, Mrs. U! Leigh
One thing I struggle with is my own expectations of my home. I always have to remind myself that people are coming to see us, not our home.
It doesn't need to be 100% immaculate, it just needs to be opened!
I admire any woman who has conquered this batte.
I am 68 years old- I still struggle with this.
Everyone today is referring to "Entertaining" I love to have my house in order; I mean immaculate. But, when it's company ready I like to forget the cleaning and just live in it [as long as I can] during this time I do luv, luv, luv to have people over, drops by-if we agree to host a gathering The house is clean let's do it again-invite everyone- not to show off honestly I can be comfortable and make everyone else comfortable and enjoy the time together.
This is an area God has challenged me in my life in wonderful ways~love your thoughts~I did a two part post on this topic several months ago @www.walkingwithsara.blogspot.com.
hmmm, I am not very good at hospitality myself. I've actually been thinking of making a list of things I should do to be more hospitable in a drawer, so that I don't forget. I get visiting, and forget that my guest might actually have needs...thirsty, or hungry. Then I can just pull it out (hopefully without anyone noticing) and remember what I always forget to do!!
oh ya, and someone told me once,"If you want to come and see my house, you need and appointment. If you're coming to see me, you can come any time."
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