I enjoy reading Mrs. Schlueter's blog, The Hope Blog. The way she writes seems to just pull me in. Her recent post about her love for her husband is no exception. I'm not going to spoil this sweet story for you, so be sure to vist her blog and read it for yourself.
I share this photo because it is the same one that she shared on this particular post. I have fallen in love with this piece of art! I've never been one to be able to choose one certain painting that I really enjoyed because there are SO many wonderful works of art. However, after reading what Mrs. Schlueter wrote about Hugh Riviere's, The Garden of Eden, I knew that I had found the one work of art I could finally claim as my favorite.
Here's what she says...
The photo above is a print of Hugh Riviere’s painting, The Garden of Eden, and a copy hangs in a prominent place in our home. The focal point in the painting is the woman’s face as she looks at her shabby, but beloved man as they walk in the dreary rain. Her face glows because she is with the person she loves above all else. That love transforms the sodden, gray park into her Garden of Eden. That’s what love does. The difficult and dreary things in life aren’t nearly so bad when real love is there.
i am a firm believer in what the art of someone's home says about them...
What a sweet post that was!
Love that print too and it is aptly named!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!♥
Ohhhhhh....I've seen this painting before in catalogues and admired it, but never realized there was so much in the picture (perhaps I would have had I seen it in person). I will go read that lady's blog.
It makes so much more sense to be now.
God bless,
That's such a nice print and thanks for the heads-up about the post, I'll take a look-see!
This was so sweet! I just teared up, maybe it's the bridal emotional phase, it's been happening here lately. :D
Thanks for sharing with us her sweet story!
-Melissa :D
Such a beautiful print! I would love to have beautiful prints like this one hanging in my home. So peaceful...
How inspiring to read about a couple who love each other in this day and age, where marriage is so quick to be ended because of silly things. What a sweet man to be so thoughtful of his wife! Wedding rings are important and meaningful to a woman.
My own husband proposed three times - one to ask, one to give me the ring, and one because he had always planned on a certain locale that he couldn't wait for the first time. I said no the third time. Just for fun... ;-)
I love the painting and thank you for pointing out such a sweet post!
How lovely! I don't think I've seen this painting before. I'm off to read the original post on the other blog. Thanks for recommending it to your readers.
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