Oh dear. I was making syrup today to go with our pancakes and, sigh, the syrup boiled over a bit. I was able to clean most of it up, but there are still a few places that I CAN NOT get clean. I have one of those glass top stoves, too. PLEASE tell me there is something I can do to clean this off!!! Do you have any ideas?
Corning ware cleaner works well on glass top stoves. You can use that and a sponge with a Scotch-Brite side to it.
Cooktop cleaner and , if that fails, a straight razor blade. No, the razor blade won't scratch the cooktop (if you do it right).
You might try a paste of Barkeepers Friend & water. Let it sit awhile and then try the razor blade. I have a glass cooktop and Barkeepers Friend works for me!
I just got the new Scotch Brite glass cooktop cleaner and I love it! It takes off everything!
Found it at Target!
Good luck!
I have a glass cook top and melted plastic on it. I waited for it to cool and then used a razor blade at a 30 degree angle (this is very important) and it *all* came off. In fact when we purchased the stove the lady said she had done the same thing and told me what she did.
I wouldn't use any abrasive cleaners on it.
I've been considering getting that new Scotch Brite cleaner so I'm happy to see a good review of it.
My glass top stove drives me nuts! I so miss cooking with gas. Ah, rentals.
I've also heard the razor blade is good, but I'm a little nervous about doing it right. So I think I'll hit Target and try the Scotch Brite thing.
Do let us know what works for you in the end.
If Mr. U has a razor blade around here, I guess I'll try that first. If not, I'll just pick up the Scotch Brite Cook Top Cleaner.
I still cannot believe how badly I messed up the cooktop. I'm even scared to cook on the back left eye now!! I'm sure it will smell horrible!!!!
I'll post a follow-up for sure when (if???) I can get it off.
Thank you all!
Mrs. U
No advice, since I don't have a glass cooktop. But I love the picture you posted. LOL
I have a glass top stove too....and i use brillo pads on it! They work great!!! :)
I did the same thing boiling fruit and sugar for a cobbler. I wound up boiling water on a different stove eye and then poured it over the spill. It melted the sugar and I was able to wipe it right up. You might could give that try.
Bar Keeper's Friend is great on my glass-top stove. First you might want to soak it with a wet rag. Good luck!
The best thing I have ever used for my glass top is Scour Off from Shaklee. It really works well... and no harsh chemicals. Doesn't scratch either.
I soo agree with Joy of Frugal Living - I have a glass top and I absolutely HATE it - it was in the house when I bought it - I keep praying it will go out - so I can get a gas one - I have gas in the house so I know I can - I just can't see justifying a new stove when the one I have works fine - it will probably last 20 years!!! I am going to try that Scotch Brite too. Mine just never seems to be "really" clean.
Looks like you got some great tips... My only comment is to say that I make our syrup, too! We love it! Yum. :)
(Oh, and I was thinking "razor blade" and then read that in several comments. I hope that worked!)
After a spill, I sometimes just wet a dishrag and put on the spot and let it sit for a spell. It usually wipes up clean.
I recommend a paste of baking soda and lemon juice. Allow to sit at least 30 minutes. I would be scared of razor blades or brillo pads. Scrub with a scrubber sponge. I hope this helps
So, what's the update? Did you get the spill off? What worked?
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