Mr. U reached down to pick her up out of the bed and she started screaming!!! She was grabbing her right arm, so we could tell she was hurt. We changed her diaper and I tried to comfort her for a while, but every time she fell back to sleep, she would inevitably move her arm and then it would hurt all over again. Poor girl!!!!
By 1:00 am, Mr. U said it was time to head to the Emergency Room. Yes, this mommy was in tears. MY BABY'S GOING TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM!!!
When we got there, they were SO nice to us and immediately took us to the pediatric side of the ER. After weighing her, listening to her heart and taking her temp, she was MAD. She does NOT like doctors or nurses and definitely didn't want them prodding her when she was in pain. Apparently, though, something happened while they were doing this and she was getting mad, because by the time we actually sat down in our ER room #6, she was signing "thank you" and asking (in sign language) for her cup. SHE WAS MOVING HER ARM!!!
The ER doctor came in, kind of laughed when we told him that she was now fine and told us it was a nursemaids elbow. I had never heard of it, but apparently it is very common in toddlers. He said there was nothing to worry about, double checked her arm to make sure everything was in place and sent us on our way home!!! We got there are 1:27 am and got in the car at 1:58 am!! PRAISE THE LORD for fixing my baby's elbow!!!!
Here's a pic of Elizabeth in the ER. She looks so tired, bless her heart!!!

Have any of y'all had this happen with your children? Boy, it sure can give the parents a minor heart attack!!! :)
Oh no, poor Miss Elilzabeth and poor Mrs. U:o( Praise the Lord it was nothing serious! In all my years of mothering I have never heard of nursemaid's elbow. I'm going to the link that you provided and check it out now. I'm so happy that it was nothing too serious and I'm glad that everything is back to normal in your household. Normal is wonderful, isn't it?!!
I forgot to tell you that you are more than welcome to link to me on that post!! I'm so glad you liked it:o) I didn't email you back because as soon as I read your email I accidently deleted it! Old age, I guess;o) lol
Bless her little heart!! It seems I have heard that before - but didn't know what it was.
She is so precious!!!!
Oh, poor little one! I'm glad she's feeling better. Thanks for making us aware of this condition. I'd never heard of it before, but am glad to know about it.
Awwww, poor thing. Glad she's ok!
Yikes! Not exactly the preferred way to spend a night! Poor darling!
Although when I read she was getting mad at the ER I thought that maybe she was feeling a bit better! :-)
I am so thankful she is well, but very sorry you had such a scare and night time adventure of the not fun kind!
. . .And I hope it's your last trip to ER. Bless her heart! and No, I have never heard of this problem, but I read your link and it sounds like it happens pretty easily. Glad she's better (she's just such a cutie!).
Oh no! I'm so thankful that Miss Elizabeth is ok, Mrs. U! I've never heard of nursemaid's elbow! ((((hugs)))
Poor Elizabeth. My 11 year old used to get nursemaid's elbow when she was a toddler and she finally outgrew it when she was around 4-5.
Be careful when you are holding her hand to walk up or down the stairs as the tugging while holding her hand can set it off. An ortho showed us how to pop it into place and said to say told us not to go to the ER anymore for it as it will be noted every time you go for the same injury and eventually they will call CPS.
I was sad for months after he told me that.
Good luck and feel free to email me if you would like anymore info on how we dealt with it.
Oh my, I bet that *was* scary! I'm glad it was nothing serious though.
I'm so sorry! Yes I have heard of "Nursemaid Elbow", my granddaughter has this, I had never heard of it before this. It scared my daughter to death. Also she gets "Fever Seizures" - never heard of this either, apparently I use to get them when I was a child. Hope she is feeling better!
Oh boy those scary moments await me shortly. Glad Miss Elizabeth is okay.
Poor sweetie! I was at the ER with Justin a couple of years ago when he fell into our wooden wagan hit his mouth and severely loosened his tooth. Ugh.
Poor sweetie! I was at the ER with Justin a couple of years ago when he fell into our wooden wagan hit his mouth and severely loosened his tooth. Ugh.
Mrs. U,
Did you really put a bow in Elizabeth's hair at 1 a.m.? Really?
More importantly, I am glad Elizabeth is doing better. I know that had to give you a scare! And thanks for the lesson in medicine. 4 kids and had never heard of it
:) Leigh
I have never heard of that! I'm so glad she is okay and it was not an injury or a broken bone! She is so adorable...even in distress...just darling!!!!
That happened to us a few years ago when our son was about 4. I was pregnant with our daughter and was swinging him around in my dad's kitchen and a few minutes later he was playing with blocks and wouldn't use his right we ended up in the ER too!
Hi Leigh!!
Yes, a bow in Elizabeth's hair at 1 AM. Her hair really hangs in her eyes, so I always pull it back in either a "top of the head" pony tail or a bow. :)
Mrs. U
I'm sorry that happened. I'm sure it was painful for her. That happened to my youngest many years ago and also to my granddaughter. Both times, the doctor had to move the arm so everything would go back into place. Then they were fine!
Yep, happened to my son at 18 months. Doc warned us he would be prone to it happening again. Fortunately my husband watched him pop it back in, and the other two times it happened, he was there to fix it. We were so paranoid about it, that my son figured out if he didn't want to leave a store or someplace, he would drop and let himself dangle by one arm when we were holding him by his hand, and we were so scared we'd give in to him...til we wised up, and started letting go of his hand when he did it, and he fell on his little diapered butt. He gave up on his little trick after that, and soon his elbow seemed less sensitive, because it didn't happen again.
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