Friday, September 14, 2007

How Clean is Your House?

Just to let you know, our family is usually a little behind times when it comes to TV shows. So I won't be the least bit surprised when y'all tell me that you've been watching this show for years!! What show? "How Clean is Your House?" on BBC America.

Last night was the first time I had seen the show. These two ladies, Kim and Aggie, went into a DISGUSTING house to help the lady get it cleaned and taught her how to keep it clean. I was shocked that the house was soooo dirty!! However, I loved learning the cleaning tips they gave (like using lemonade to remove hard stains in the toilet!!!). They really gave the house a good scrubbing and the lady was SO happy with the end result.

Another interesting thing I learned about was about...well...I hate to share such icky things... but... dust mite fecal. UGH!!! Kim and Aggie kept referring to all the germs that dust mites carry and how they leave their fecal (albeit microscopic) all over the house!!!! MY STARS!! I could barely go to sleep last night!! All I could think of was the dust mites on my pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no idea how this dear lady's home got to be the horrible condition that it was, but, ladies, make sure that you are taking care of your home so that it never gets to that point! Please!!!!


Paula said...

Mrs. U, aren't those homes just disgusting!! Kim and Aggie did some of their shows where they came to the U.S. They cleaned this one lady's home, and this woman was super athletic--ran all the time, rode her bike everywhere--but her home was an absolute pit! She left one small corner of a kitchen table to prepare food on--YUK!! Everywhere else in the kitchen was covered with icky stuff! I've never forgotten that episode!! Oh--that would be a good topic to blog about--you could ask everyone what their favorite episode is of "How Clean Is Your House?" LOL


Anonymous said...

Alright... I am a wee bit grossed out! YUCK!!!

Michelle said...

My skin is all creepy crawly now! Yuck! I have never thought about what yucky dust mites leave behind!

Peggy said...

I love this show and like you get some good cleaning tips. I can't believe the mess of those homes though!

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of that show before I read your post. We haven't had a tv in many years. So, I looked it up on the internet and found a video clip and some pictures. I am in shock!!! Human beings live like that?!?!? I feel the need to clean like crazy and take a bath... eeewwwww...

Anonymous said...

We watch that show all the time at our house. Believe it or not, it is my 8yo sons favorite show! (Not that you can tell from looking at his room) He does tend to point out anything dirty in the house though. The other day he said "Mom, look at all the dust on the ceiling fan!" It is so exciting to see how happy the people are with their new clean house!

Arlene said...

Yuck! Since I was a teen, I have had people call/hire me to come over and "help" clean their homes (not that they did much helping, but, you know what I'm saying). I don't mind doing it to be a blessing to someone who is busy, or was never taught how to clean up... but I could never do it for a living! It's enough to keep up with my home, let alone others', lol!

Dawn said...

Love this show.
My DD and I love to scream in horror at the nastiness..but learn many good tips using common stuff we have in the house - for cleaning.
The different British terms for things also make us smile.

Wendi said...

I've seen the show a couple of times. Saying I found the homes disgusting is an understatement!

Julieann said...

Mrs. U--My Stars is right!!!

I have watched a few episodes and after you have seen a few shows, all the houses are just disgusting--ewwwww.


Desia said...

We used to watch that show when it first aired in Canada, but I can’t stand to watch any more, too yucky. And I always wondered whether some of the homes weren’t ’staged’ to look so terribly disgusting, I cannot believe families could live like that!

Heather Anne said...

I've never seen the show, but I'm wondering if we are 'there' this week! Our home is a mess and I am am so discouraged! I feel like everything is sticky, dusty or just out of place - every cupboard needs straightening, every closet needs tidied and the whole house needs decluttering, dusting, floors washed and a thorough vacuum! I have really let things go the past few weeks - my foot was really painful and not allowing me to sleep properly - I just wasn't willing to face the fact that it was getting worse and not better. I'm so stubborn! The support of the walking cast is making a difference now though, but I really am behind in every room of the house, and now with this big cumbersome thing on my leg and being told to keep off my feet, I guess it is going to get worse before it gets better!
Maybe I'd better hunt up the show on line and get some motivation to do what I can do before it's too late and they come to my house to make an episode!!!! That would be a nightmare!

Amanda said...

Yuck! We don't have that channel, so I haven't seen that show. I think I'm glad about that! I do love to clean our home though. :-)


Unknown said...

It just amazes me that people will live like that. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

FYI When they said lemonade they probably mean sprite or 7-up as they call that lemonade in England.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this show!!! I just posted an entire entry on it not that long ago!! Love love love it.


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