A dear lady left a comment on one of the posts yesterday asking for recommendations for safe, non-toxic cleaning products while she is pregnant. PLEASE forgive me, but I do not remember who asked! I cannot find the comment either! Oh dear!!
I did a little research and it all led back to my favorite cleaning ingredients plus a fresh smelling ingredient- vinegar, baking soda and lemons!!!
Here are some sites that give wonderful information about cleaning with these products:
Vinegar Tips
27 Ways to Clean with Baking Soda
3 Homemade Natural Cleaning Products
Vinegar, Baking Soda and Lemon Cleaning Resources
As with anything, please check with your doctor or midwife before using any products while pregnant.
Happy cleaning!!
I think that my mom cleans EVERYTHING with those 3 key products!!!
Give me PineSol, Lysol, Bleach, Pledge, Windex- Anyday!!!
Thanks for the links, Mrs. U! I've been looking for some less toxic cleansers (though I will say that I do love my Lysol and Fantastik), so these sites will help :)
Yea! It was me who asked about this. THANK YOU!!! :) As always, you are my inspiration and reminder that I can have a beautiful and clean home! ;)
I clean a lot with vinegar--especially mirrors!! Seems to work much better than Windex, and much cheaper too!!
Thanks for the tips. I know it is better but I really can't help but be a big lysol, pinesol fan!
I LOVE baking soda! It gets baked on food off your stove, pots and pans like a charm. Mix with a little water to make a paste and rub with a wet rag or soft toothbrush! Magic.
I use it in my laundry when washing smelly rags or kitchen towels.
When my son was a baby I loved using vinegar on my floors. I felt that he was much safer crawling around than on floors washed with chemicals.
oooohhh I've got a book she needs to read, it is chalk full of great recipes all of which are non toxic. It is called Better Basics For the Home by Berthhold-Bond...it's a must read.
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