Friday, February 02, 2007

Sweet Potato Fries...

Since the fall, I've been on a big sweet potato kick. My FAVORITE way to eat them is to bake them in the oven like french fries! YUMMMM!!!! Here's the way I make them...

Sweet Potato Fries
1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut up like french fries
1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (or whatever oil you use)

Once all the sweet potaotes have been cup up, place them on a cookie sheet and drizzle the oil on the fries. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste and mix the sweet potatoes around to make sure they are all coated with the oil. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes. About 1/2 way through, you may want to flip them over on the pan for more even cooking. When they are done, sprinkle with a smidge more salt and enjoy!!!

These are really good, in my opinion, and I've eaten this VERY often for breakfast!

Not only are sweet potatoes mighty tasty, but they pack a great big healthy punch of good nutrition! Check it out here.


Julieann said...

Yes, I agree, sweet potato fries are wonderful--I made some awhile back, when I had an abundance of sweet potatoes, right before Thanksgiving---I like to bake mine, but I lost out on that with my husbnad..LOL--I fried them in oil, but they were still good--I posted about it back then with a picture too:)

Yummy post Mrs.U


Paula said...

We, too, enjoy sweet potato fries. Have you ever cooked them on the grill? Yummy! Thanks for your biscuit recipe (sounds delicious).

Cherish the Home said...

Yay!! I've been wanting a good recipe for sweet potato fries....Thank you! (o:


Janice said...

I've been wanting to make some of these and have not got around to it yet. You've convinced me to do so with your recipe and lovely photo! They look so good!

Kelli said...

I've been wanting to try sweet potato fries, Mrs. U! Thank you for the recipe!!

Unknown said...

I really appreciate your encouragement on the adoption site.

Paula Dean had sweet potato fries and chips on yesterday!...Yummy!

Lean Not said...

I made some tonight, and they were great. Thanks!

Bethanie said...

looks great, I'm going to have to try it.

Unknown said...

I love Sweet Potatoes and I love fries. Yummy.

Heather Anne said...

Mine never turn out looking as nice as yours Mrs. U! I wonder what I am doing wrong! The results are still tasty though! Yummy .. or should I say YAMMY? Have you tried them with a sprinkle of white vinegar? It's an English thing I think, but really yummy!


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