Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Homemaking meme

Homemaking meme...
Aprons – Y/N? If Y, what does your favorite look like?
Sadly, I only have two aprons. Neither of them are pretty or very likeable. I was SUPPOSED to blog about this soon, but perhaps this is all that needs to be said –WHERE CAN I BUY CUTE APRONS THAT AREN’T A FORTUNE???? Yes, I need help.

Baking – Favorite thing to bake
Thing? As in singular? Cookies. No wait... cake.... no, no... uh....bread.... oh dear.... I can’t pick ONE!!!!

Clothesline – Y/N?
No clothesline.

Donuts – Have you ever made them?
No, I haven’t made them yet. But they ARE on my list of “to be made in the future“ along with homemade marshmallows. Yum!

Every day – One homemaking thing you do every day
Pick up after everyone (including myself)

Freezer – Do you have a separate deep freeze?
No. A dream for one day...

Garbage Disposal – Y/N?
We have two dogs...tee hee...

Handbook – What is your favorite homemaking resource?
I would have said all the wonderful homemaking blogs, but I just got Martha Stewart’s new book and it’s wonderful!!!

Ironing – Love it or hate it? Or hate it but love the results?
Love it!! Well, maybe not so much actually doing the ironing, but I LOVE the crispness in the results!!!!

Junk drawer – Y/N? Where is it?
Drawer? Or should that be “drawers“? HA! I’ve got... oh, do I have to be honest???? I have 3.

Kitchen – Color and decorating scheme
It is currently white cabinets with beigish lineoleum and a sort of flowery wallpaper. But we have had major water damage to the floor in our kitchen and we are getting a new floor in just a few weeks!! Looks like it’ll be hardwood! WOOHOOO!!!! And, who knows? Maybe I can finally get myself to pull that wallpaper down and paint!!!

Love – What is your favorite part of homemaking?
Keeping the house neat and tidy so that Mr. U always comes home to it that way.

Mop – Y/N?
Do I mop? Yes. Do I like it? NO WAY!! It’s the job I like least in the home.

Nylons – Wash by hand or in the washing machine?
Hand wash keeps them longer.

Oven – Do you use the window or open the oven to check?

Open the oven.

Pizza – What do you put on yours?
Chicken, BBQ sauce, red onions and lots of extra sharp cheddar cheese!

Quiet – What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
Read blogs, of course!

Recipe card box – Y/N? What does it look like?
It’s a simple wood box.

Style of house – What style is your house?
1970 ranch style.

Tablecloths and napkins – Y/N?
Oh we use napkins, yes!! But they are the disposable kind!! LOL!.

Under the kitchen sink – Organized or toxic wasteland?
Nothing toxic under there, just tons of vases that, for some reason, I think I need to keep.

Vacuum – How many times per week?
Twice- Monday and Thursday. I’ll vacuum more if we have people coming over. Mr. U LOVES a freshly vacuumed home and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to see lines in my carpet! LOL!!

Wash – How many loads of laundry do you do per week?

X’s – Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off?
I don’t do this everyday, but I work much more efficiently when I do make a list for myself. I should strive to make a list each day to keep myself on task.

Yard – Y/N? Who does what?
Mr. U does the mowing, but I do the rest. I LOOOOOOOVE gardening and prettying up the yard with flowers and plants!!!! I love the smell of dirt!!!!!

Zzz’s – What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
I always make sure the kitchen sink is empty and then I scrub the sink with my dishcloth.


Anonymous said...

Nice Meme and answers! I'm confessing...I'm a lurker here!LOL!! Hope you don't mind...I've taken this and am posting the meme on my blog later today (1/24)...!! ;)

The Klause House, established 1992 said...

Hello. Mrs. Klause of (www.clothedwithscarlet.typepad.com) here. I just wanted to thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I was thinking of making Part 3 the end of today but I just might tackle one more project. ;0) Also, as I arrived to thank you. I see that you are looking for an apron. I just happen to make and sell them. Custom...you tell me the colors, theme, etc. Maybe I can serve you. Have a wonderful day with the Lord!
Mrs. Klause

Kelli said...

We have so much in common, Mrs. U! I LOVE carpet lines and the smell of dirt too! :0)

Tammy said...

This was fun to read! =)

Send me and e-mail and we can talk about aprons! =)


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