My mother taught me how to clean the house. She did a very good job teaching, I just usually wasn’t in the mood to learn. I always hated cleaning until Mr. U and I married and I wanted to take the best possible care of him and our home. Aaaaah, love!!!!
My mother always taught me to clean using a washcloths. Cleaning kitchen or bathroom counters, cleaning the toilet, dusting shelves, nightstands, side tables, etc. She taught me to use a washcloth and to simply launder them when I was finished. No waste. I, of course, thought I new better. I would go through tons of paper towels simply so that I wouldn’t have to rinse out washcloths or bother laundering them. I wonder just how many paper towels I’ve wasted over the course of all these years?
Recently, I discovered my old friend- the washcloth. I’ve realized what a waste it is to use paper towels and how much BETTER washcloths clean!! I clean the counters, hand mop the bathroom floor, scrub shower walls, clean the toilets and sinks- all with a washcloth!!!! When finished with my cleaning, I simply rinse it out and throw it in the washing machine!!
Also, I’ve recently had problems with my hands getting exceptionally dry in some areas. I decided to stop using harsh cleansers and now I clean with a bucket full of hot water and add some liquid hand soap to the water. Not only does this clean well and smell good, too, but it also is less harsh on my hands. When I rinse out the washcloths once I’m finished cleaning, I don’t have to worry about making sure all those harsh chemicals are out because I’m just using hand soap, water and good, old-fashioned elbow grease!!!
Mrs. U, that is the same way my mother taught me! And I like your idea of using liquid hand soap.
Mrs. U--my grandmother taught me to clean the same way--except, sometimes, it was old t-shirts that we dusted with:)
P.S. My hands get really dry from being in water a lot, I just use a lot of lotion everyday:)
Its amazing what doesn't occur to me. This sounds so much cheaper than buying those wipes that I've been buying. Thanks!
I also use a washcloth. I have been given dust mits and such, but nothing works as well as the ol'washcloth.
How are you holding up waiting for referrals? I know it is all on His timetable, but I am ready for a BIG batch of referrals. Can't wait to see you sweet one! ~Wendi
I like using wash cloths too....just make sure when cleaning the bathroom that you don't cross-contaminate.
After I use a washcloth for one bathroom (cleaning the sink first and the toilet last)I use a new one for the other bathroom.
Hi Terri!!! I like the liquid hand soap a lot- it's relatively cheap and doesn't hurt my hands!!!
Hi Julieann!! My mother would kill me for sharing this, but we would often dust with old cloth diapers!! LOL!!! Oh, and I use a lot of lotion, too!!
Hi Bethanie! I used to buy all those wipes, too, until I realized how expensive they were. Then I went back to using a million papertowels!! HAHA!! I'm not sure which one was the most expensive!! LOL!!
Hi Wendi!!! I am getting VERY excited about our referral coming!! My agency (CCAI) says that we should expect "the call" next Tuesday and get our new daughter's picture (the hard copy) on Wednesday!! Oh, AND they said that we would travel and be home from China BEFORE Chinese New Year (Feb. 18 this year)!!!) I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU, Mrs. B!!! You are right!! We DO need to make sure that we don't cross-contaminate!! Thank you for mentioning that!!!
Mrs. U
Sometimes moms are right...it just takes us our own trial and error to realize it!
You are right about the paper towels and now the washcloths are so much cheeper. Aren't you smart!
LOL! Why do we al have to learn things the hard way? I dunno, just the way things are, I guess. I love cleaning with small, plain white terry towels, which would be just a bit larger than your wash cloths. I buy them in bulk from Costco in the automotive section. They are absorbent, good for scrubbing and very washable. Thanks for sharing about using the liquid hand soap. Like you, dry hands are bothering me right now, too. I'll be trying your tip with the liquid hand soap!
I use washcloths/rags too, just like my mommy taught me, lol! I have a separate laundry bin just for them. When I have enough for a load I wash them in HOT water with a bit of bleach to kill any germs.
Cloth diapers (the flannel squares) are absolutely wonderful for dusting, wiping mirrors and such. Cut up old t-shirts work well for this too. I use my old worn-out towels like you use the washclothes. They're so great when you really need to scrub!
We use cloth diapers too, but they were never used on a baby. ;-D
They are the best rags! They will stand up to all sorts of abuse and they are so -- um -- absorbent! :)
Another fan of washclothes chiming in! I get my from Costo like Copperswife and wash them with hot water and a little bleach like Amy!
Mrs. U, I'm so excited to hear the wonderful update on your new daughter!!!!!
Here is a tip that your skin will thank you for... Try using "Ultra Concentrated Dawn With Hand Care." I use this for dishes AND cleaning. It's proved to be gentler on my hands.
Happy New Year!
Right before I was married, I bought a pack of white washcloths--the cheap kind, that come in packs of 10 or 20. They've really held up well!
I can't wait to see your baby!!!!
Hi imperfect christian- the older I get the more I figure out that my mom and dad are BRILLIANT!!!!
Hi Nancy!! Not smarter, just learning that my mother DOES know a lot!!
Kelli and Cooper's Wife- Costco!!! Oh I've heard many good things about that store!! I just wish we had one near us!!!!
Leannot- yes, diapers are QUITE absorbent, aren't they? teehee!!
Amy- I've never thought about cutting up old towels!! EXCELLENT frugal idea!!!!
jthemilker- I am DEFINITELY going to look for that brand!!! My poor hands will be very happy, I am sure!!
Tammy- you must've listened to your mother!! Smart lady you are to buy in bulk AND buy ahead!!!
Kim and Kelli- I am DYING to show y'all Elizabeth's picture!! Hopefully it'll be this week!! I'm about to bust with excitement!!!!
Mrs. U
Hi Mrs. U,
I found you on RQ : ) My LID is 9/19, so we are next too! I am SO excited I think I will burst!! I can't wait to see Elizabeth (and of course MY daughter!!!!) I hope you have a wonderful New Year! 2007...the year we become mommies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/19/05 LID (next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
This weekend I picked up 8 wash clothes for $3.00. I was spending $8-$10 a month on those wipes and throwing them away. This will cut down on our waste too! Thanks again!
Hi Zoe!! I am about to burst with excitment!!! Anyday now we should be seeing our sweet little ones faces!!!! What a blessing!!!
Hi Bethanie!!! GREAT deal on your new washcloths!!!! WOW!!! Now not only will your home be sparkling and fresh, but your purse will be a little heavier with all the extra money you've saved!!!
Mrs. U
I just discovered your blog, and followed your links to Mrs. B's cottage, but it's not there! I get an error message when I click on it. Do you know if she closed or moved her blog?
Oh, never mind about my earlier comment on Mrs. B. I found her blog. However, your links point to mrsbscottage.typepad.com and I found her blog (at least I assume it's the same) at
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