Since Caroline's been home (she was born here in the South), I'm finding myself in that same fog that I was in in 2007. Cooking is easier because Caroline is younger than Elizabeth was when she first came home and I can find more time to cook during all her napping. Hosuework hasn't been too difficult, either, but, I must admit, my house isn't nearly as clean or tidy as it was just a couple of months ago. With car seat carriers, boxes of clothes, Sam's-sized diaper purchases and soon-to-be-used Bumbo seats, I'm finding that our tiny home is feeling quite cluttered these days.
My main confusion these days, however, has been in trying to handle Elizabeth!! HA! She is SOOO excited about being big sister that she wants to pick up Caroline and do all kinds of things with her! LOL!! I told her in a few months she'll be sitting up and will be able to play more. Of course, to a 4 year old, "a few months" seems like an eternity!!!
But OOOOH am I thankful for my two little ones!!! They'll grow up and become wives and mothers all too soon. And I pray that, above all, they'll grow up into women of God- ladies that truly have a heart to follow the Lord no matter the cost.
For now? For now I'll enjoy the clutter and the smiles and the giggles. What sweet blessings I've been given!!!

Your girls are adorable! :-)
The big baby clutter is only a stage, our living room was full of stuff for a few months but now it is all in the basement. It's been replaced with toys scattered from one end of the house to the other! LOL
For me, as soon as I figure one thing out I have something else to figure out! Or once we get into a good nap routine, my dd's sleep needs change!
I still don't have the cooking thing down very well, a lot of times I have to cook dinner when Kevin gets home from work so that he can watch our dd.
Your girls are beautiful.
I was in a fog too, for the first 6 months or so after my son was born. There is so much to learn and do which is hard with constant sleep deprivation. But it does lift :)
There's no better thing you could pray for your daughters. Isn't is so precious to see Elizabeth so thrilled to be a big sister? I bet cha she wants to mother her all day long!
Such sweet babies. My husband aand I are trying for a little one. Enjoy every single day you have with them because they do grow up so very fast.
Tammy's right: the big baby clutter doesn't last too long. You get to put away the swing, and the bouncy seat, and the car seat stays in the car. BUT the toys are EVERYWHERE!
Someone told me once that it took her almost a year to get back into her normal routine after having a baby, so don't feel bad.
Harness Elizabeth's energy! When you need something for Caroline, send Elizabeth for it. That's what I do with my bigger two. They love to help, and I appreciate the help, so it's win-win!
They are so cute!
I couldn't get you out of my mind this morning. I checked in and what do I see? WONDERFUL BLESSING OF ANOTHER, PRECIOUS DAUGHTER -- that's what! Caroline is just precious. It's so good to see her face and really, to see who God always planned to be in your family. Miss Elizabeth already looks like she's got big sister down. I am SO very happy for you and your family!
I hope you have that picture of your sweet girls hanging where you can see it first thing in the morning. It is just priceless. The expression on your baby's face is too funny. Forget the clutter. Enjoy these fleeting baby moments!!
Your girls are beautiful!! My sister-in-law ( has adopted three children from China and they're in the process of waiting on their 8 year-old girl! I just love adoption and hope to do it myself someday. :) By the way, I'm friends with Nikki. She invited me to join you at the mall a few weeks ago, but I already had another commitment. I'd love to meet you sometime though! We should set something up. :)
I *love* that picture of your sweet girls. (o:
AWH! Theyre so adorable!! :-) They truly are blessings as any child is to the parents :)
I just made your peanut butter granola. So yummy and easy to make! I've been making granola lately--as long as you keep the ingredients basic, it is fairly inexpensive.
Oh they are truly so beautiful. Enjoy!!
I loved this..."They'll grow up and become wives and mothers all too soon. And I pray that, above all, they'll grow up into women of God- ladies that truly have a heart to follow the Lord no matter the cost."
I have three daughters, and sometimes I forget that they wont be my little babies forever. They will eventually grow up and have lives of their own.
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