I am a Southern girl. And being a Southern girl, there are certain "rules" to live by. Not rules that, if broken, will lead you to trouble. No, nothing like that. Rules that, well, set you apart as a Southern girl.
Let's talk about the rule for shoes- white shoes in particular. I don't mean white tennis shoes. No, no, no. I mean white dress shoes. Even white sandals. There is a rule that Southern girls go by that says you are NOT to wear white shoes after Labor Day. And you can NOT wear them again until Easter Sunday.
Wait. Hold on a minute... Some Southern girls say that you aren't allowed to wear white dress shoes or white sandals until Memorial Day. But, well, I'm not one of those girls. I hold strictly to the "Not before Easter Sunday and not after Labor Day" rules. My mother taught me this. It's just part of being a Southern girl.
So, today, though I normally do not post on Sundays, I am posting a farewell to our white shoes of summer.
So long white sandals.
Farewell white patent leather with a cute little buckle strap.
I bid you each adieu until Easter Sunday 2009.
Good For You!
While we do not break out the white shoes before the first day of spring, we do hold on to them until the first day of Autumn. Here in AZ where it's still over 100 degrees, we just can't think about dark shoes yet!
my MawMaw pounded that into my head as well, and I am not a true Southern girl (only by 'technicality' am i Southern: I grew up and still live below the Mason Dixon Line...even if it is only by a few miles! LOL)
I'm so happy to find you again!!!!
I'll write you an email!!
concerning your post...yep, white shoes are out until Easter Sunday (wink)
but....I also change my purse...to a darker fall/winter style...but that's just me!
I really dislike this rule. And the reason why is because in the South we have longer summers than most regions. Therefore, it just seems like weather to wear white dress shoes in. But, there is a time and season for everything, so I too, bid farewell to my white shoes until Spring (excluding my wedding day, November 1st). I wore them yesterday, for the last day....WAH!!! :D
I know what you mean. My mom made sure her girls did not wear white shoes after Labor Day. She would have been horrified at the thought, lol!
BTW, I left award for you on my blog: www.victoriahillfarm.blogspot.com
I was raised with the same white shoe rule in southern Kentucky. However, in Louisville, KY it is not proper to wear white shoes until Derby Day, the first Saturday in May.
cute shoes
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