Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our Easter meal...

Roast beef (which Mr. U grilled on his Holland grill- OH YUM!!!!!) with oven roasted potatoes and roasted asparagus...

Deviled eggs (WHY are they called that???)...

Chocolate Velvet Cake with Butter Pecan Cream Cheese Icing (which is so tall that the lid to the cake plate won't fit on top!!! LOL!!!)...

And yes, we are all quite full, thank you very much.

UPDATE: In case anyone else is wondering, I found an interesting bit on deviled eggs here.


Jthemilker said...

Oh wow it looks SO GOOD! We too had roast beef and potatoes but it wasn't nearly as attractive as yours! Kudos on a lovely spread!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. U,

Did you have a stuffy nose when eating your "potatoed"? :) You never have typos so this made me giggle.

Happy Easter!


Mrs. U said...

Thank you VERY much, Leigh!!! I have this "thing" about typos, so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for pointing that out!!!! :)

Mrs. U

PS- My mistake is corrected. Thank you, again!!!

Elizabeth said...

If it would make you feel better, you could call them "stuffed eggs".

Kelli said...

Oh my! Your dinner looks delicious! Happy Easter to you and your family!

Tori Leslie said...

Yummy! Looks delicious.
Thanks for the link, that was interesting, so now I know why they are called deviled eggs.

Happy day after Easter!

Anonymous said...

My grandmother calls them "angel eggs", but I prefer to call them "stuffed eggs". :-D

It looks good! :-D

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. U, I hope you and your family had a happy and blessed Easter! That meal looks delicous. My mom made deviled eggs yesterday too - it's so interesting to know where the name comes from. Thanks for posting that link!



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