Thursday, March 20, 2008

Empty Nester or Open Nester??

My last blog post about hospitality is still fresh in my mind. I want to thank everyone that commented- I have learned SO much for all of you!!

My sister shared this post with me from Radical Womanhood. Since hospitality is on my mind, this post captured my attention. Here's a snippet....

When I was in Charlotte this past weekend, I learned a great phrase coined by my hostess, Jane Connolly. Instead of referring to women with grown children as "empty nesters," she speaks of such women as "open nesters." These women are in a season where they can now be open to new people to care for and new ways for God to use the experience and wisdom they have gleaned from rearing children of their own.

Wow!! What a wonderful opportunity to practice hospitality!! I'm not at this season of life yet, but now will look forward to it. I always thought that this would be a time to be sad and dread the empty home. This new way of looking at it, though, has given me a new perspective on it.

What about you? Have you ever thought of "open nest" instead of "empty nest"? Are any of you in this stage of life right now?


Tori Leslie said...

Oh thanks, I'm going to check out the links you gave.
I love the phrase, Empty Nester or Open Nester. °Ü°

Have a great Resurrection Weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I've actually got a book and they called it the "new nesters" I had a laugh b/c the friend who got the book was just newly married and didn't understand the term. I'm not in that postition yet, but we had almost 10 years pre children and did a lot of traveling during that time!

thanks for visiting my blog! and I did post the response to your questions, but i'll mention it here. I didn't edit the picture other than to crop it!

Anonymous said...

No, we're not "empty" nesters yet as we still have 3 grown children living here. But I do feel that we are at a stage that we can have lots of folks in...which we do! We love company and hosting, and it's a wonderful stage of life!

I like the "open" nester phrasing. Thanks for the post.

Salsygirl said...

Hey Mrs. U.
That was a great tidbit. Thanks for sharing that. I loved it!!!!

Leeann said...

Yes, I am definitely an "open nester"...I like that much better than being empty.
And really, that is how I feel. My heart and home is open for my grown children and their families and older folks who have lost their loved ones.

Thank you for revealing this new term. I love it.


Julieann said...

Not yet for me--but when I am older, I really like the term Open Nester--very fitting for all of us:)


Mrs. K's Lemonade Stand said...

Nice post. My children are grown and I find myself needed as much as I ever was. There are always younger women who could use a compassionate ear or a few kind words or the wisdom of a woman who has been in their shoes. It is just life renewing itself. We were once the students and as we continur to learn, we can also turn around and be the teachers. :)

mommy24treasures said...

I am someone that never wants an empty nest. I know some people look foreard to their golden years when the kids have left the nest and they can travel etc. Not me, I want to adopt again hopefully and keep my nest full.:)
I think this is a lovely idea you have posted.
and no you were not too late for the give away. I am drawing next Wed.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

I just happened on your blog this morning. My homeschooled girls are both married. It happened so fast. They met hs young men with families that both had their own buisness. the boys had both worked while they were being hs and were able to marry young. I never thought my home would be "open" so soon. I am 44 and have been open for almost 2 yrs already. I have 2 beautiful gb already. 7mo and 13 mo. My dh and I have become foster parents. We have had 4 fc come through our home already all have been returned to their families safely. It has been a wonderful opportunity to watch families be reunited. God bless you and what a wonderful new name for the nesters.~Lady Diane


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