Thursday, March 06, 2008

Last week... a sickly week for our family.

There's a nasty virus going around right now and, unfortunately, most of our family caught it last week. Elizabeth was first. Bless her heart, I know she felt miserable. She definitely had it worse than Mr. U and myself. It just broke my heart to see her feel so bad!!!

Mr. U awoke during the night one night and heard Elizabeth coughing. He went in to check on her and found that she had gotten sick. So after cleaning her and changing her sheets, we were able to put her back to bed. The next day was lots of laundry, as you all well know, and her dear FarleyDog had to be given a "bath", too. He looked kind of cute afterwards.

Elizabeth didn't agree. She didn't like FarleyDog being all wet.

Two days later and Elizabeth was back to her normal self- running around the house (rarely does she walk), listening to her music (Scripture CDs and kid songs) and chatting happily to herself about whatever it is that 22 month old little girls chat to themselves about.

I'm so happy that my girl is feeling better.


Cyndi Lewis said...

Oh Mrs. U.,
Even when she's mad, she's cute! I'm glad she's feeling better and I hope the rest of you are too.

Tammy said...

That picture is adorable, even if she is mad. :-) I'm sorry you've been dealing with the "sickies", glad to hear you're all feeling better!

Susan P. said...

Oh Mrs. U, the expression on little Miss Elizabeth's face is priceless! So glad all of you are feeling better.

Wendi said...

Sorry the sickies hit your house, but I am glad that Miss Elizabeth is feeling better. Breaks my heart when a little one is sick.

Melissa Ward said...

Elizabeth has the same look as Leah when she is upset! Glad everyone is feeling better.


Paula said...

That same nasty bug had the nerve to visit our house! So glad that you're all on the mend. :)

mommy24treasures said...

oh I am so glad your girl is feeling better too.

Unknown said...

I glad that she's feeling better. She's too cute to be sick.

Anonymous said...

You know, doctors insist that cold temperatures do not cause sickness, germs do. But, it sure seems that everyone gets sick when it is cold out, doesn't it? I'm glad you all are doing better.

April said...

Glad Miss Elizabeth is better. She is just so cute. I can't wait for my daughter so my breath can be taken away. I'm sure yours is everytime you see your daughter's face.

Mrs. Pear said...

Oh, what a cutie! And quite the look! Too adorable!

I think it is easier for us parents if we are the sick ones!

Have you seen the Seeds Family Worship CD's? We love them!

Julieann said...

Oh Mrs. U---You caught the best picture of her...LOL---I hope by the time you read this, you all are better:)

Cute post!


smileymamaT said...

Hi there,

I enjoyed reading your blog! Your daughter looks like a real joy - that age is so fun! Hope everyone feels better soon...

Simply Heart And Home said...

I'm so sorry your family was sick. I hope everyone is better now. Let's hope that spring brings good health all around.

Paula said...

I am glad to see that you and your family are feeling better!! Blessings, Paula


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