to THIS... in your own home!!!!

Yes, that's right. You do NOT have to use those bags of microwave popcorn anymore!! You can make your own DELICIOUS homemade popcorn! It's very easy and very inexpensive!!!
In the bottom of a heavy pan, pour oil into the pan to the depth of 1/8 inch. Heat the oil on medium high . Drop one kernel into the oil and when that kernel pops, add enough popcorn kernels to cover the bottom of the pan in a single layer. Cover and shake until all kernels are completely popped. Salt and butter to taste.
This takes minutes to do, makes a TON and is very inexpensive!!! Your family will LOVE the smell of homemade popcorn wafting in from the kitchen. So y'all pull out a board game or pop in some old home movies and enjoy a big bowl of your own homemade popcorn!! Yum!
Mmm... I love making popcorn. It tastes so much better than the microwave variety!
Popcorn cooked in a cast iron skillet was something we enjoyed every Sunday night as we watched "Hee Haw". Dad loved it! Thanks for the memory. :)
This brought back such wonderful memories for me ~ as a child whenever we would have a babysitter we could always look forward to a special treat of popping popcorn and playing games!! I remember I use to jump and down trying to "imitate" the popping corn:o) LOL You have inspired me to get out my skillet and start "a poppin!"
We always make regular popcorn on the stove. My husband makes the best - we don't even add butter!
Thanks for sharing this. Our microwave broke over a month ago and we haven't had popcorn since (except once with the Jiffy Pop). This sounds much better. I'll have to try it.
~ Christina
TOP NOTCH photography!
Yum!! Homemade popcorn makes the house smell so good... and it taste good too!!
Hi Mrs. U,
My dad use to make home-made popcorn every weekend and it was delicious! The strange thing is that I've never thought of making it on my own. We always buy the micro kind... thank you for the great idea! I can smell that corn poppin already.
And, thank you for stopping by my blog and for your encouragement as I minister to young ladies. Our Father is sure faithful!
I look forward to getting to know you better!
Love & Blessings,
~ Sheri
Mmm..homemade popcorn is the only kind I like! I can almost smell it now!
MMMM! I love it!
I've been putting some butter in my still-hot iron kettle, salting the butter, and then adding a little honey, then pouring it over the popcorn and tossing. MMMMMMMMM! My kids get all excited when I add the honey.
Mrs. U,
Thanks for visiting! You have a lovely blog here.
I never buy ready-made popcorn. To me, half the fun in popcorn is in making it... and seeing how it pops! :)
*Real* popcorn is the preferred taste in our house. We occasionally use the stove but mostly use our popper. The little children just love to watch it pop up into the clear lid! And the smell just can't be beat! (Sorry microwave ~ lol!)
I have just recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed going back and reading some of your past posts. There is just so much good, sensible stuff presented here. I recently blogged about making my own popcorn as well. We use coconut oil to cooki it in, which adds a wonderful flavour. You can read about it here http://www.northofthe49.com/blog/?p=153
I just tried it, they came out black ready for the trashcan....might be the fact I forgot to check up on them....the fire alarm went off after 5 minuts while I was watching tv..... the house smells like a warzone but atleast I tried right. back to the microwave version ;)those are idiot proof.
Oh no!!!! I am sad that the popcorn didn't turn out!!!
Did you happen to see this in the directions?? "Cover and shake until all kernels are completely popped."
It is important to shake otherwise the kernels and popcorn will burn.
Bless your heart!! GOOD JOB for trying, but definitely try again!!
Mrs. U
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