Saturday, June 30, 2007

My One Year Bloggiversary GIVEAWAY!!!

Oh y'all! I am sooo very excited!!! On June 30th, I will celebrate 1 whole year of blogging! So... to celebrate, I'm having a GIVEAWAY!! And the prizes are FABULOUS, let me tell ya!!! What am I giving away????

- a set of Martha Stewart Everyday Towels (like I mentioned here)...
- a pair of earrings of YOUR choosing from the Etsy shop of new jewelry designer and real life friend, Melissa...
- an autographed copy of "Queen of the Castle- 52 weeks of encouragement for the uninspired, domestically challenged or just plain tired homemaker" by Lynn Bowen Walker that I reviewed here (and mailed to you FROM THE AUTHOR HERSELF!!!)...
- a 2 year subscription to Victoria Magazine graciously sent to you courtesy of Hoffman Media.

YES!! YES!! YES!!! One very blessed lady will win ALL that!

How? Just leave a comment here on my blog and you will be entered ONCE into the drawing. If you kindly comment about my giveaway on your blog, you will be able to enter TWICE!!! The drawing will be done on Saturday, June 30th at 8:00 pm (EST) by my wee one, Elizabeth.

So don't just sit there, enter! Please!! I am just dying to bless someone with all these wonderful gifts!!!


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Jennifer said...

I clicked over from Lori's blog @ Queen of Dirty Laundry.
Your blog is beautiful, and what a generous gift! The 30th is my birthday, and how awesome would it be to win this for my birthday gift?!
I'll be posting a link on my blog shortly!
Thanks for the chance to win something great!

Unknown said...

I'm so in!!!!!! I'll post about the contest later tonight! :D

~*This Mama*~ said...

Hi there. I'm a newcomer to your blog, but I wanted to congratulate you on one year of blogging. Fun and addictive, isn't it?

Kim said...

Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog.

And what a wonderful contest!

Anonymous said...

My sister Heather directed me to your blog. It is well worth reading and I love that I hear wonderful piano tunes while reading! Thank you. Great job!! Many more years to come!!

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog and am really enjoying it. Thanks for the inspiration. I can't wait to make the peach cake!

Angela in CA

Anonymous said...

OK, I mentioned you on my blog and put a link there too. I hope that is what you wanted. :)

Anonymous said...

Love your blog - love free gifts!

Anonymous said...

I guess I will join in, too--why not?! I happened to stumble here through blog hopping--such fun it is! I will have to check in more often . . . it looks like you ahve a nice blog here.

Unknown said...

Please include my name in your drawing.

Happy Bloggiversary!

Laura said...

Congratulations on one year, just awesome!!


Micki said...

Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. What a wonderful way to "advertise" your blog. I only use "inspirational" quotes and pictures of RELIGIOUS HOLY CARDS on my blog so I can't put your site address there...but please, come make a comment on a card and folks will then check your site via that way.

Anonymous said...

Happy Bloggiversary!!! Please enter me in the email is
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to enter your contest.

Thank you for your blog!

Jessica said...

I just found your blog...looks so good. I would love to be entered in your giveaway...such lovely giveaways!


Unknown said...

congrats and count me in !!

Robin said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I would love to be in your drawing!
I always enjoy your recipes, tips, and gentle reminders of how important it is to be a homemaker.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Hi! I'm visiting your blog - had seen your comment about your hometownon 'Especially Heather's' blog. I currently live in Heidelberg, GA, but was born and raised where you are living. Lived there my entire life until I moved to Germany in 2001. Love the idea of your giveaways - please enter me in your contest. You can either mail my (hopeful) prize to me here in Germany or to one of my family members there in your town. Thanks! Deborah

Myrna said...

I'm linking you today, so count me in twice.

Thanks for coming by my place a few days ago. I have been a little out of the loop this week.but I'm back full force now.I'll be visiting often!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog very much! ~Jennifer in MD

Cheryl said...

These are great things that you are giving away. I am so excited to get the chance to possibly win.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mrs. U.! I have just recently discovered your blog, and have enjoyed what I have read thus far. I wish you all the best.

I have blogged about your contest on my site as well. You realize that you have now set the bar very high for those of us with upcoming bloggiversaries. I will now be kept awake at night trying to come up with a good idea for my own.

Jan said...

Wow, I'm so excited to find your blog!!! Happy one year blogiversary!!! Love your contest too!!! what fun!!

Qtpies7 said...

How exciting! Congratulations!
I would just love to be the lucky winner of these lovely prizes!
I'll try to get my computer to cooperate and let me post a link to your contest, too. (all our computers are down except in safe mode, they just don't like me right now)

Momma Roar said...

Happy 1st bloggiversary. I was wondering if it would be an anniversary or birthday!

I'm raising my hand real high for the giveaway! What a fun way to celebrate!

Paula said...

Wishing you a very happy blogging anniversary! Just think of how your life has changed in the past year. :)
Mrs. C

kare said...

Hello Mrs. U! Congrats on one year of blogging. I have only recently found your site and i really enjoy it.

MamaBirdEmma said...

Congratulations on one year of blogging:)

You did a great job picking prizes!

Anonymous said...

What a great gift of goodies you're giving away. You're certainly going to make one lucky winner very happy! I'm going to let my readers know about it too!

doverdi said...

I saw your posting on Tasra's blog and had to stop by. Lovely giveaways! Thanks for the chance to win some great prizes and congrats on your 1 yr bloggiversary!

Unknown said...

I found your blog through Tasra Blog....I love your's and congrats for making it 1 year...

Anonymous said...

Here by way of Overwhelmed with Joy - enter me in your contest - would love to win!


Anonymous said...

Here by way of Overwhelmed with Joy - enter me in your contest - would love to win!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on one year in the blog world!

Jana @sidetrackd said...

I've just found you via HomeEc 101. Happy Bloggiversary!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, not sure why my home on the web didn't show up - here it is:

TEAM HALL said...

Hello from Canada, Mrs. U.

Congratulations on your blogversary and most importantly your sweet China baby. My almost 4 y.o. is from Yunnan Province and we are stillll waiting for baby #2. LID Nov 23/05

Please enter my name for this wonderful basket of goodies.


Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Congratulations on a year of blogging! I posted about this giveaway here: .
You are such a blessing in my life, Mrs. U, and I enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 year anniversary! I am a longtime lurker, but I always get a lift from checking in with your blog. I hope I win some goodies!!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, please enter my name! And I will also mention your giveaway on my blog. And I will also put you site down as one of my favorites if you don't mind!

Thank you,

*carrie* said...

Wow--this is quite a prize--such a fun idea! Congratulations on blogging one year!

Anonymous said...

Just found your lovely blog. Will be back to read more! Don't mean to be anonymous...just not taking time to register yet one more place ;o) you can visit me at
bless you, dear...maggie

Mrs. H said...

Wow! Great contest. Happy 1-year blogging anniversary (I'm just getting started!) I'll post again when I've linked to your contest, but I'm planning on doing that now.

Mrs. H said...

Ok, Mrs. U - I posted about your contest. Enter me in a second time. Thanks!

Ginny said...

Enter please, Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Great have so much wonderful and fun information, thanks.

Happy Homemaker said...

I've been quietly enjoying your blog for some time, but lurked mostly. I'd love to be joined in the drawing if I am not too late. Thanks for all you share with us.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some great products. Please enter me in the giveaway. I love Victoria magazine and was so excited to see it coming back in print.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What wonderful gifts! Contratulations on one year of blogging.

Anonymous said...

How Fun...What great give-aways..
sign me up..I do love to visit your blog...thanks for a great year.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through someone else. I LOVE IT! I'll be coming back. CONGRATS on the one year!!! Today I celebrate ONE year at my new job!!! woohooo for us. Anniversaries are so much fun! Wendy WVG

"My Little Wonders" said...

Oh! Oh!
I love free stuff and Wow one year....Great job!
Count me in.......
Blessings Lori

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Beautiful blog! LES

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mrs.U on your bloggiversary! Thanks for offering such great prizes in your giveaway. Wishing you the best for the future. Linda

Amber said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my contest, I hope there is room for one more. Over 250 entries, WOW!!!

Happy One Year Bloggiversary!

God Bless,

Just Mom said...


I hope your first year was wonderful.

Yes, please, enter me in to your contest.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary! And how nice of you to give stuff away! Can I sign up for the drawing?

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Just found your blog and I'm loving it! I also love your prizes, please enter me in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

I found you through Running to the Cross and I can already tell I will enjoy your blog. I'm not a good home organizer and can use all the tips I can get!

Homeschooling Momma said...

Congrats on your 1 year 'blogiversary'!

Joshua said...

Hey Mrs. U,

I just want to wish you a very happy anniversary! Don't enter me in the contest, I'd rather someone else get the chance to enjoy these goodies.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mrs. U. on your bloggiversary> Thanks for the great prizes in the giveaway. Best wishes in the future. Linda

Tracy said...

Dear Mrs. U,
Congratulations and God bless you on your anniversary! My sister just introduced me to your site. I think that the giveaway sound wonderful!! It is very generous of you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I just stumbled onto your blog just in time for your giveaway. How generous of you. I will definitely be a frequent visitor.

Susie Q said...

I just came here via Elegant Grace and I have spent over a half hour! I have now bookmarked you for easy return...What a special and generous giveaway you are offering!

Congrats on a simply wonderful blog!

Monkey Giggles said...

I am new here too. I am coming from Lessons from the scrapbook. Don't ya just love new company.

Anonymous said...

Hi I just found your lovely blog. I have been looking for blog like this to read for encouragement but have had a hard time finding them. Your blog is a blessing to me. Thank you for taking the time to share, bless and inspire others.


A Dusty Frame said...

Hello, please enter me in your drawing:)


Qtpies7 said...

I made a post about your contest on my blog!
Count this as my second entry, please!

Anonymous said...

I just have to say hello to a fellow "Mrs. U" My maiden name started with U, and I love it. I am now Beth S, and there are sooo many S's in my address book. I prefered being Miss U, and being one of the only U's. Oh well, I guess I could never have named my oldest Patrick if I was still a U!

Congrats on one year!

Debra from Bungalow said...

What a wonderful giveaway.Please enter me!

Debra from Bungalow said...

Please enter me again!

Toknowhim said...

Please enter me in your cool contest.. I loved when I was on your site, and that beautiful music started playing.. It almost put me to sleep... Thanks..

derdeb said...

I would love to be entered! Great site,and wonderful music! Thanks DEB

Dawn said...

Congratulations on one year! Great job.

Maryellen said...

KIND WORDS, KIND WORDS, KIND WORDS! Congratulations on one year! Thank you for contributing to
our lives in a positive manner. Maryellen

Husker6 said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!!!
I would love to win .... your giveaways are just what I need!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Bloggiversary! I enjoy visiting your blog. I also posted about this giveaway on my blog.

Have a blessed weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Your blog is beautiful.

Tiffany @ As For My House said...

So glad I discovered your blog! Thanks!

Hannah's Mom said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

What a great thing! A give away... hhhhmmm, gives me an idea. :)

I love your blog... may I add you to my favorite links?

Nadine said...

Happy 1 year Blog Anniversary. That's a real accomplishment. Wow you have a lot of entries.

Anonymous said...

Ive just been blessed enough to find you blog! im looking forward to reading it. congtats on 1 year.

Janis Rodgers said...

Please enter me! Thanks!

Annie said...

Ooops, I think I'm too late... :(

Mary said...

I may be too late, but I wanted to wish you a happy blogiversary anyway!

I also wanted to say that, because of you, I now know that my beloved Victoria magazine is coming back!!! Oh, happy day!!! I'm giddy with anticipation! Thanks for spreading the word. :)

Tina Mayo said...

congrats on a year!!! and a awesome giveaway.

Pearl said...

This is so cool. I would love to be blessed with these items!

Hailey's Beats and Bits said...

Hi Mrs. U! i've been visiting your blog for sometime now. i am from The Philippines, also in Asia where Elizabeth is from. I LOVE your giveaways! especially now that i plan to be a stay-at-home-mom to my three girls! God bless you and Mr. U!

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