This is my "to do" list for today. It contains the major things I need to focus on accomplishing today.
I discovered the quote that I have written out yesterday while reading a post on A Christian Home. The quote says...
"It is shocking to find men and women speaking fluently about
religion, and yet their houses are a disgrace to Christianity." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Now is Mr Spurgeon referring to cleaning? Probably not. :) He's talking about how we live out Christianity in our everyday lives. We can talk about the Lord all day long, but do our lives REFLECT CHRIST TO THE WORLD????
Dear sisters in Christ, honestly look at your life today. Does your family see Jesus Christ in you? Are you a godly example to them? Or are you all talk? Do they see that you live what you say?
Note: Thank you, Jodi!! She found the link to the full sermon by Mr. Spurgeon here.
Excellent quote! I'm going to copy that down, too!
I agree that he is likely referring to how we live our lives for Christ but I believe, also, that he was likely including the stewardship (cleanliness, etc...) of our home, as well. I'm sure the quote goes much deeper than what appears at the surface. ;o)
Thank you for posting this!
~ Christina
Mrs.U, Thank you also for this Excellent Quote by Charles Haddon Spurgeon. I really needed this quote. I know that I personally have not been living how Christ would want me to live in front of my family, neighbors, or even strangers.
I have most likely been drawing people away from wanting to know more of Christ.
Thank you for posting this Quote because it makes me think hard and look at how I have been living my life.
God Bless,
Thank you, Mrs. U.
Wonderful Quote and I love that you put it on your To Do List!
Excellent quote and I just have to say, "Ouch!" You are hitting me hard with this quote this morning. I think that our homes are our first and most important mission field, but it is hard sometimes to live our walk at home. Thanks for reminding me! Blessings to you!
Very good stuff. Nate and I were just talking about that stuff last night. On a side note... it was nice to see your sweet handwriting! - Gretchen
Excellent post! Thanks for this challenge.
~Leigh Ann
Thank you for sharing Mr. Spurgeon's quote. I needed to hear it today. I'm off to clean the house!
Mrs. U--I try so hard to be a godly example, but I fear, I may fail miserably most times----but I try. I look at my Grandma, and she is such a great example---I try and learn from her. What a great post Mrs.U--very inspirational.
I am still trying to grasp the concept that my husband and kids are the main ministry for me.
I know it's true, but to live it out is another thing entirely!
Such a wonderful quote, Mrs. U. You spurred me on to find the sermon; here's the link, for anyone else interested. :o)
And I agree with your thoughts; it's all about our daily walk. God wants every part of us ~ every moment, every thought, every word. That's what being a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) is all about. Great post! :o)
Oops! I checked the link, and I should add the sermon is titled The Unkept Vinyard and it's located under the entry in the left hand column called Christianity 06.
Thank you for sharing this most excellent quote. It is a very important thought to ponder on.
Just found your blog tonight, and have so enjoyed reading all that I could. I am also a pastor's wife, living in the South!
I just recently started a blog myself and hope you can visit.
I saw that quote the other day myself and tried to find the article it came from. I found the article, but haven't had a chance to read it. Thanks for providing the quote with the link.
I like the quote so much that I am thinking about putting it on my blog as a reminder to myself.
Mrs. U, like someone else said they were doing, I'm off to clean the house.
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