Thursday, April 26, 2007

Love, sweet love...

It’s mid-afternoon here in our home and I’ve got laundry in both the dryer and the washing machine and I’m about to pull a pan of brownies out of the oven. I can hear a very faint noise coming from the master bedroom. What is it? I step in to listen and discover that I left the nursery monitor on. I can hear little Miss Elizabeth in her room giggling and “talking” (she’s supposed to be napping! LOL!!). What is it about baby gibberish that just melts your heart?

I had no idea that being a mother of a little one could make my heart so full of love that I feel like it could almost pop with joy!!! I had no idea that when she cried, I would cry, too!! I had no idea that such a tiny little person could have me so completely wrapped up in her.

This is love.


Kelli said...

Mrs. U, this brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful post about a Mother's love. The picture of Elizabeth is oh so sweet!

Melody said...

Yes, that is definitely love.

My little guy turned 3 today. I looked back at the day he was born, remembering how his birthmother called me that day saying she was in labor. . .I never anticipated that I would be SO in love with this little guy. And the best part - that love just grows and grows.

Melissa said...

Mrs. U, just wondering, but have you been taking a photography class?

I love the picture....and the entire caption!

Bethanie said...

Sweet post! Your little girl is beautiful!

Robin said...

Oh Mrs. U, that was so touching and your little Elizabeth is beautiful! I am very happy for you and her!

Wendi said...

I know what you mean. I have never been so happy and so full of love!

Such a sweet picture.

Beach Girl said...

Oh, yes, that is love.

Aad they grow so fast, so savor every moment.


Jthemilker said...

This is entirely precious! This picture does look professional.

Jthemilker said...

BTW - I'm tagging you on a Me-Me... not that you have time. All smiles :)

Doug and Terrye said...

I understand how you feel, especially since I never would have guessed at my age I would have the chance to do it all over again!!!
Our China girls are truly such a special blessing.

Kim said...



Jenn said...

Yes, that is love, there is nothing like it, and it is understood as soon as one becomes a mother. ;-) Your baby girl is beautiful!


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