For years, I have read websites and blogs about the Ergo baby carrier. Everyone touted it as being "the best". Last year, in anticipation of Elizabeth, I bought one. It sat in my bedroom for an entire year until we got to leave for China. My sister-in-law has a another brand of a baby carrier and told me "It's too much trouble and your back hurts SOOO bad even after just a few minutes!! Trust me, just buy a stroller." So, being the kind of person who refuses to give in (read "stubborn"), I took the Ergo with me anyway, thinking "Well, she had a different brand than my Ergo!!"
The first full day of Elizabeth being with us, our guides in China took us to a huge department store where we could buy any baby things that we needed (formula, clothes, bottles, etc). We had already rented a stroller from a nearby store, so Elizabeth was sitting happily in the stroller. There were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (can't emphasize that enough) many people in and around that store!! I mean, we were in the 5th largest city in China!!! I was incredibly nervous about Elizabeth. Was I worried that someone would take her out of the stroller? No, because I made sure she was securely fastened in. I was worried that someone would take Elizabeth AND the stroller!!!!!
So the next outing we went on, I knew I needed to try out the Ergo. It fit my body perfectly (and I'm a plus sized girl!!!) and Elizabeth was very happy to be nestled up close to Mommy. I did have a bit of trouble getting it on by myself, so Mr. U helped me. We went to some stores and walked around for a good bit in VERY crowded areas. Not once did my back hurt!! Not once did I worry that someone would steal Elizabeth!!! She was snuggled up close and content as could be. I fell in love with my Ergo and wore it lots more in China!!!
Since we've been home, I've discovered how wonderful it is to wear Elizabeth even when I'm vacuuming! I just pop her in the Ergo and we start vacuuming together and she LOVES it!! I will constantly talk to her and tell her what we are doing and why we are doing it. She just smiles and laughs the entire time. Oh, and I've figured out how to use it by myself now, too. I can get her in and out of it no problem!!
This Ergo has been a blessing!!! If you have ever considered getting one, you should! My back doesn't hurt while wearing her (it doesn't hurt after, either). And I get the joy of holding my daughter close. How wonderful!!!
That's wonderful, Mrs. U! What sweet bonding time you are having with your little Elizabeth! It sounds like a cozy place to be!
How wonderful for you! Congratulations! I am right there with you about the feeling of losing the baby and the stroller!
Some people find it hurts for a day or two just because they aren't used to carrying 20 pounds around, not because the carrier is poorly designed. Even I, who have been babywearing for years and years, got a tad sore when I did some marathon babywearing on a trip to NYC and my daughter had to take all her naps on me on the days I skipped the stroller.
Keep us posted!
From someone who has been following your journey for months, thank you for all your posting.
Your daughter is beautiful and your story has helped me through my long wait.
Thanks for your post on the Ergo carrier, I have been worried about which one to buy and wondered if I would waste money by never using it. I have scoliosis and hip displaysia and was always in pain carrying my son around. Hopefully this carrier help keep everything in balance!
Thanks for the great tip!
how nice.
I'd never heard of an Ergo when I began my mothering career, but I will agree that carrying baby close in a sling is a wonderful thing. I carried all three of mine and found them to be more content (read, less crying). Glad you're enjoying your little one!
What a wonderful and blessed time you must be having with your new baby girl:) I know that this will be a most special Easter for you and your family!
Personally, Mrs. U, I believe that Ergo should pay you to be their spokesperson, because I'm sold! It's so neat to have an honest person I know informing women on the BEST products to use :D
I'll have to remember that! Thanks for the info!
I'm always interested to hear of the "newer" style baby products out these days. We owned a "Snugli" when our girls were babies...which was a front mounted "pouch". In fact, I was just sharing with our 20 year old yesterday how I used to "wear" her around the house when I needed my hands free and she needed to be held! Fun memories!! Diane
I too had bought a Ergo baby carrier..and found it extremely comfortable!
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