Sunday, November 22, 2009
Question for fellow Blogger users...
For those of y'all that have blogs with Blogger, have you had problems lately with people commenting on old posts? Some comments are super weird and some are a bunch of links to strange websites. Some of them have been names you can click on and go to a not-so-decent blog and some have been from "anonymous". Thankfully all comments, no matter how old, all come to my inbox so I immediately delete all odd comments from my blog. Still, I'd love to know if I'm the only one experiencing this problem.
blogging question
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These are spammers. You need to review the comment and if it looks weird just delete it.
Alas, yes. You can actually change your settings to moderate all comments on posts that are older (since they're more likely to be spam than the newer ones).
:( to spammers.
I did have a comment and there was a link to a not very nice site. I had posted it before I realized what was going on. But, I do have mine set so that I have to approve all comments so it's not normally a problem.
I have had a few strange comments that I deleted before even reading (I went to moderated comments after receiving really bad comments a year or so ago).
A friend of mine had to stop anonymous comments on her blog this week due to spammers.
I have been having problems with this lately, on only one specific (old) post. Spammers, no big deal!
I'm not on Blogger, but have had spammers come visit my blog too. They seem to come in waves - none for a while, and then suddenly there's a ton. It's annoying. On the other hand, the Wordpress software I use makes it really easy to catch them and deal with them.
I've had a lot of spam comments on old posts lately too. I think I'll do as Mrs. Mordecai suggests and change my settings so that all old posts have moderated comments.
No problems here. Like you said when it does happen I would just delete it.
Have you ever heard of shelf milk? Is so, can you use it in a baking recipe?
This was a link I found about shelf milk. If this is what you have, then it says to use just like you would milk.
I've never heard of shelf milk. This was a good question!! I'll have to keep my eye out for some!!
Mrs. U
Hi Mrs U,
Yes, I've had a lot of these recently.
I have had an anonymous commenter with Asian characters every.single.morning on the same post. BUT, when I go to see where it is coming from through Sitemeter, it shows that no one was even on my blog at that time...weird!
Yes, I've rarely had a problem with spamming but have had three or so comments this past month (just a bunch of random links in a comment). So strange... I have mine set to be moderated, too, so thankfully it never made it to the comment box.
I've not had any recently, just had one or two a while ago and I just deleted them. Your blog has a much bigger following though so you are bound to get more weird comments than me!
You can change so you can approve the comments but I wouldn't limit the way you can make comments such as 'only people with a blogger account' because there are lots of people out there who have their own URLs. You can also add the word verificiation thing but if my computer is running slowly these put me off commenting.
I would moderate old posts, like many have suggested above, that way we can comment freely on your new ones and you can weed out the spammers - man some people have nothing better to do with their time!
Marcus and I are heading to our church for Blessfest. While my husband is in for a long day at Kmart.
We celebrated our Thanksgiving yesterday. Marcus and I made the whole dinner! And the hubby loved it!
We wish you and your's a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello, what a great blog you have!
Yes, I have made it a setting that if a post is older than 14 days, the comment will have to be approved. Maybe you can try that?
Bad guys will be bad, sadly. Hope you get it taken care of soon. I moderate all my comments, which haven't been many since my blog break.
anyhow, I haven't been around so I have lots of reading to catch up on, better run!
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