Monday, October 26, 2009

The Betty Crocker Creed...

I found this over at Project Home Economics (LOVE it there!!!). It is from an old Betty Crocker cookbook. Oh, how I agree with all of these statements!!

The Betty Crocker Creed -

I believe homemaking is a noble and challenging career.

I believe homemaking is an art requiring many different skills.

I believe homemaking requires the best of my efforts, my abilities and my thinking.

I believe home reflects the spirit of the homemaker.

I believe home should be a place of peace, joy and contentment.

I believe no task is too humble that contributes to the cleanliness, the order, the health, the well being of the household.

I believe a homemaker must be true to the highest ideals of love, loyalty, service and religion.

I believe home must be an influence for good in the neighborhood, the community, the country.


Scientific Housewife said...

Well said Betty Crocker, thos are so true!

Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for the homemaker!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it! (o:

~ Regan said...

That's neat... It's too bad most people dont feel that way anymore. It's a shame that those views are concidered old fashioned and demeaning. I think most homes would be better off if they had a homemaker- but oh oh... I spouted off too much... ;)

Tammy said...

Great creed! Wonder what they would say if they had a creed in today's cookbook?

Anonymous said...

Homemake wanna-be here!!! Love it!!!

Melissa said...

Love it! Wouldn't this be great as cute wall art!?!?!

Kindest Regards,
Melissa :D

Unknown said...

Thank you so much from Charles, Marcus and I for sharing your grocery shopping tips.
I just posted a highlight of several of the responses that I received.
Just wanted you to know that I provided a link back to your blog.
I have several friends in the same boat as us ~ asking questions and have referred them.

Unknown said...

When I was first married I got a Betty Crocker cookbook.
I'm now on my third BC cookbook. When Marcus heads out I'll make sure he has the latest copy!

Anonymous said...

What great encouraging words for Homemakers today!

Paula said...

I haven't read this before...very true, even today! :)

Madame Hall said...

I think Grandmother had this somewhere. If I can locate it, I think you should have it.

Any thoughts about coming down for her 90th birthday on November

Lynn said...

I love Betty!!! My first real cookbook was Betty Crocker and still the one I go to first...

I love my job...

Gayle said...

I had to smile, did they pattern that after the apostles creed?

Kim said...

Love it!!! Thanks for the post!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link. I'm now a follower of the Home Economics.


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