“Sweetheart, wake up!”
“Don’t you remember? The pastor said that the man of the house should wake up early to read the Bible!”
“Harry, wake up! This is gonna be a Christian house whether you like it or not!”
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Have you ever tried to change your mate into a more spiritual person? When a wife tries to take on this kind of “fix it” project, her focus is on something she can’t do anything about—her husband’s heart. It takes her mind off something she can do something about—cooperating with the Holy Spirit in changing her own heart.
The apostle Peter advises wives to be submissive, even to unbelieving husbands. Then he explains why in 1 Peter 3: “so that, if any of them do not believe the Word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.”
Have you been approaching your husband with nagging words or with godly behavior?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
This was my email today from Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Boy, how many times have I heard about this exact situation!!!
Ladies, if you find yourselves in a similar position, wishing, hoping, that your husband was truly a godly man, do NOT try to force him into a mold that only God can fit!!! Your job? Your job is to pray and live a holy life in front of him, that he may see your First Love through your example and desire to follow after the Lord Jesus Christ, as well.
Wow, wow, wow! Did I ever need to read this! Thanks a bunch!!!
I hope that you don't mind, but I linked ya this morning. Great post...
Stormie Omartian says - Don't nag your husband - nag God about your husband!! Praying for him - is the best thing you will ever do for him - the Power of a Praying Wife - an incredible book by Stormie.
An excellent reminder, thanks for sharing! (o:
Wow! I needed that! Thanks!
Sooo true! The book "Created to be his helpmeet" touches on this issue too!!! :)
Thank you so much for this post, I have not been nagging my DH or my 2 DSs (17 & 19) but my MIL does from time to time. I have just been praying that God shows them the way to Him. I am leaving it in His hands. I hope you don't mind if I pass this along to my MIL, in a nice way of course. Thank you & God Bless!
P.S. I've been reading "The Power Of A Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian - an excellent book, highly recommend it!!
Very good points made eloquently! Probably, I needed to read that.
WOW! That struck close to home! Thank you for sharing!
yeah... i DEFINITELY needed this today. Thank you. please pray for me to be more willing to lift my husband up to the Lord instead of being upset with him. Thank you! i really needed to hear this today!
Love your blog! Just happened to find it when doing a 'Won Without Words' search! I hope to visit often.
Shari Popejoy
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