Whew!!! Life's been SO busy lately!! Last weekend, Mr. U's father and mother came to visit us. It was wonderful getting to spend time with them. Whenever we go visit them, other relatives are always around so we hardly ever get them to ourselves. :)
Tomorrow we are leaving on a little family vacation for a few days. We are going to be staying in a villa that has a kitchen, so I've been trying to get some food together so that we don't have to eat out all the time.
I do look forward to being gone a few days and r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g!!!! Church is starting to head into a busy season with the holidays coming up. It'll be nice to catch our breath for a few days.
So, I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit your blogs lately. I have checked Julieann's because I've been worried about the fire in California being near her family. If you or a blogger you know is near the fire or their home is IN the fire, please let me know. I want to PRAY!!! I cannot imagine what it must be like to see flames like I've seen on TV.
Have a blessed weekend, y'all!
Enjoy your time relaxing together as a family!
Mrs. C
R-E-L-A-X and enjoy...
Have a wonderful time of rest and relaxation, Mrs. U.!
Have a great get away!
Have a great time relaxing!! Some times life just does get to busy and it's nice to take the time to slow down and enjoy!!
I hope you have a wonderful getaway. Enjoy and relax!
I've been missing you and your kind comments! I hope you have a lovely relaxing time and really enjoy the break away. I remember fall as being an especially hectic time during our ministry years and I always enjoyed getting away to catch my breath before the fun began! We often took the Chirstmas card envelopes and got them adressed began the rough draft of our 'update' letter in late October just to have one thing off the list!
Enjoy your time, Mrs. U!! Thank you so much for the prayers ((HUGS MY FRIEND)))
Mrs. U,
I am begging for another of Mrs. U's recipes! I am at home chanting... "Missus U, RE-CI-PE"!
I have been having a great time making your recipes and my family is enjoying a break from the usual.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob's wife
We are in Southern California, and were closer than we would have liked to the fires, but were safe. Our only excitement that was fire related was my husband being evacuated from work.
I posted a picture of our sunrise of smoke, and some ways to help those impacted on my site.
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