Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ready for a cleaning challenge??

 Who's up for a cleaning challenge????

Here's a GREAT challenge from FlyLady if any of y'all want to do this!  I am BAD about stuffing things in the closet, closing the door and walking away and forgetting about it.  I appreciate how FlyLady believes in baby steps- something THIS perfectionist needs to be able to get my homekeeping done!!!


Christine said...

I have one of those closets! This ideaa seems easy to do and not so overwhelming.

Mrs. Stam said...

what a great tips!!! I do have to confess that I;m a perfectionist and that challenge will be that a challenge, not to get all out

thank for giving me a motivation boost to do this today!

Hillcrest Acres said...

I'm with you on stuffing things into closets too. And not only closets, but a few drawers too.

Jenny Cross said...

I clean a sick...like no ones business...see pics on my site...www.the21stcenturyhousewifeproject.blogspot.com - shameless plug I know...but I want to show off my clean sink.

I also have a goal when the closets get out of control...each evening I go through one that I have chosen. This way I don't get overwhellmed.


Far Above Rubies said...

Mrs. U. Thanks for passing by Far Above Rubies. Your comment was lovely.

We love Fly Lady. Lots of emails!!


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