Thursday, November 30, 2006


For my entry today in the Slow Cooking Thursday extravaganza (can I call it that??), I've got our family's FAVORITE Christmas cider!!

I make this every year for our church when we go Christmas caroling (yes, people still do that). We go out singing Christmas songs and return to the church to enjoy cookies and Hot Spiced Cranberry Cider! YUM!! I'm sooo looking forward to it! Wish y'all could join us.

Hot Spiced Cranberry Cider
2 quarts apple cider
6 cups cranberry juice
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
4 cinnamon sticks
1 1/2 tsp. whole cloves
1 lemon, thinly sliced

Combine all in the crockpot. Cook on "high" for about 30 minutes. I then turn the setting to "keep warm" until we return to the church. Be sure and remove the cloves and cinnamon sticks before serving.

For more ideas for your crock pot, visit here.


Susanne said...

Hello Mrs. U! Thanks for coming by my "place" today and commenting. Lovely place you have and I'm so going to try out your cider recipe! And by the way, go ahead & help yourself to any part of my weather that you would like! :v)

Kim said...

Mrs U,

I'd love to visit with you about your plans for traveling to China and all...I believe you have other children,so I'd love to hear how you and your husband plan to travel. Will you all go,or will you leave the children? This has been a source of worry for us...sinful worry,no doubt...but maybe you can help with this. I'm asking God to help me overcome the fears I have. This is the hardest thing we have done!

Kim said...

Oh,and thank you for the cider recipe...don't you just adore hot drinks? They are my favorites! And the fragrance that comes from cider....yum!

gail@more than a song said...

Oooh, yum, this sounds so good! And great for this time of year...thanks for sharing it.

Leslie said...

This sounds yummy! I love all things cranberry so will have to give this a try.

Sandra said...

This sounds great, nothing like some wonderful hot cider :)
Thank you for your prayers and words, you're a sweetheart :)

Kim said...

Just wanted to let you know,I made this cider today for my family! We all enjoyed it very much! It is one of the best recipes I have tried for this. Thanks!!!


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