For decades, I have heard of people talk about Grace Livingston Hill. And for years here in blogland, I have read many wonderful quotes from her. I would really love to read some of her books, but where in the world do I start? She's written SO many books!!!
If any of y'all have read her books, please, PLEASE share with me which books of hers you have read and loved!!!
I love all of Grace Hill's books .( that I have read ) but I loved and am re-reading "April Gold" ( for April.) Happiness Hill, Enchanted Barn , Daily Rate. I like how she makes a house a home. I think it was re-Creations she has a fire place built. There is lots of love and cooking in Grace's books as well.
Oh goodness, you just start - any one of her books will do! - and then you won't be able to stop! :-)
I haven't read any....but now I am INTRIGUED!
Marcia Schuyler is the one Grace Hill book that I have read. I think that you'd really enjoy it. I read it as a teenager and I thought that it was a wonderful story.
I've only read a few of her books, and my opinion is mixed. My favorite book so far is "The Honor Girl," and I would definitely recommend it to any teen-aged girl or grown woman. The three others I read ranged from 'good' to 'sappy and disappointing.'
I enjoyed most of Brentwood, April Gold, and The Enchanted Barn, but many of the others I have read have been a bit melodramatic and sappy for me. Still, I love the vintage homekeeping details, and the mindset of the depression.
Honestly? Which ever you can readily find is a great place to start.
There are many available at paperbackswap.com if you do that (great way to get rid of books you are done with or that were left at your house by guests and are not your cuppa!)
I love "A Daily Rate", but any of her books would be an excellent place to start.
I have all but two of her books, haven't read them all yet...but April Gold is my favorite so far...
SHe is my FAVORITE author
Brentwood was wonderful.
I came by to visit through No Place Like Home to see about a pie recipe from a time back.They looked so good and I so enjoyed the new MM cookies with the little saying! How cute and how sweet your little one is.
You have a beautiful blog. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!-Mrs. M.
I've always heard about her too. Maybe I'll read your comments!
Grace's books are good, but they usually all have the same theme and are fairly predictable. I have books still unpacked so I will try to go by memory which I like. The Substitute Guest,Miranda, Aunt Crete's Emancipation, and The Search are all I can come up with off the top of my head. Enjoy. There is one where it is a summer setting and they head to the beach house that I remember really liking, but I don't know what it is called. If you find out let me know. :-)
The Strange Obsession of Victoria Grayson, I think is one of the early books and I loved it! I re-read periodically: A Daily Rate, The Honor Girl, Re-Creations, Head of the House, Enchanted Barn...but as said, all the books are good. I often wondered how on earth she came up with her storylines. Is she a deeply intellectual read? No, but you'll find plenty to enjoy, either for the clean, honest nature of the books or about spiritual matters or for the wonderful references to homemaking.
I've never even heard of her! Share what you find out.
I read several of her books as a young bride, if I have the title right, I believe "Not my Will" was the one I read over and over--you'll need the kleenex for this one;)
I have probably read The Honor Girl 10 times! It has been a fave of mine since I was in Jr. High School :)
Terrye in FL
My favorites are Crimson Roses, Honor Girl, The Gold Shoe - truly there are so many of them that are wonderful! They are sweet and, yes, a bit sappy. They have a great message of how very important homemaking is and of how needed our Lord is in our lives. The peek her books give you into an earlier time and the housekeeping and dress from then is fun too.
I haven't loved all of her books but I have read The Honor Girl several times and it's my absolute favorite. (o:
I was a voracious reader growing up, and when I got old enough to want to read romantic stories, it was Grace Livingston Hill and Emily Loring that my mom gave me.
I read through my mom's collection, and I believe the influence of these books was good for a teenage girl. My mom is no longer with us, but I still have her extensive collection of these books. I cherish them and think about her every time I see them.
I know this is an old post...but I had to mention Crimson Roses and Matched Pearls. And maybe The Red Signal?
Some of them make me smile a little-they do get fairly predictable after a while. All in all, however they are a worthwhile read-good for "comfort" reading. Think mac' and cheese for the brain :~)
Not My Will is not a GLH book-but it is one that I re-read every few years. If you like GLH you will like that one, too.
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